
Red Slovak Ecumenical Bible with Deuterocanonical Books / Biblia, Cervena – Slovensky Ekumenicky Preklad s Deuterokanonickymi Knihami

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Product Overview

Red Slovak Ecumenical Bible with Deuterocanonical Books 

Biblia Cervena – Slovensky / Ekumenicky Preklad s Deuterokanonickymi Knihami

Product Details

  • Title: Biblia Cervena – Slovensky (Red Slovak Ecumenical Bible with Deuterocanonical Books)
  • Subtitle: Ekumenicky Preklad s Deuterokanonickymi Knihami
  • Author: Bible Society
  • Binding: Vinyl Bound
  • Edition: 2015
  • Publisher: Slovenska Biblicka Spolocnost
  • Language: Slovak
  • Pages: 1475
  • ISBN: 978-8085486988


The "Biblia Cervena – Slovensky" is a comprehensive and ecumenical edition of the Holy Bible in the Slovak language, featuring the complete text of the Old Testament, including the Deuterocanonical books, and the New Testament. This vibrant red-covered volume is the result of a collaborative effort by the Bible Society, ensuring that it represents a widely accepted and authoritative translation.

Designed with the needs of modern Slovak-speaking Christians in mind, this Bible features a durable vinyl binding that makes it suitable for both personal use and group study. The inclusion of the Deuterocanonical books, which are recognized by the Catholic and Orthodox Christian traditions, further enhances the breadth and depth of this edition, providing readers with a more complete understanding of the biblical canon.

Whether you are a lifelong believer or new to the Christian faith, the "Biblia Cervena – Slovensky" is an invaluable resource that will deepen your engagement with the Word of God and strengthen your spiritual journey. Its combination of ecumenical acceptance, comprehensive content, and practical features make it an essential addition to any Slovak-speaking Christian's library.


»Biblia Cervena – Slovensky« je obsežna in ekumenska izdaja Svetega pisma v slovaškem jeziku, ki vsebuje celotno besedilo Stare zaveze, vključno z devterokanonskimi knjigami, in Novo zavezo. Ta živahna knjiga z rdečimi platnicami je rezultat skupnega prizadevanja Svetopisemske družbe, ki zagotavlja, da predstavlja splošno sprejet in verodostojen prevod.

To Sveto pismo, oblikovano z upoštevanjem potreb sodobnih slovaško govorečih kristjanov, ima trpežno vinilno vezavo, zaradi česar je primerno tako za osebno uporabo kot za skupinsko preučevanje. Vključitev devterokanoničnih knjig, ki jih priznavata katoliška in pravoslavna krščanska tradicija, dodatno povečuje širino in globino te izdaje ter bralcem zagotavlja popolnejše razumevanje svetopisemskega kanona.

Ne glede na to, ali ste vseživljenjski vernik ali ste novi v krščanski veri, je "Biblia Cervena – Slovensky" neprecenljiv vir, ki bo poglobil vaše sodelovanje z Božjo besedo in okrepil vaše duhovno potovanje. Zaradi svoje kombinacije ekumenske sprejetosti, celovite vsebine in praktičnih lastnosti je nepogrešljiv dodatek k knjižnici vsakega slovaško govorečega kristjana.

Product Specifications

  • Vinyl-bound cover in a vibrant red color
  • 1475 pages
  • Includes the complete Old Testament, with Deuterocanonical books, and the New Testament
  • Ecumenical translation approved by the Bible Society


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