
Biblical Languages

Welcome to Biblical Language Bibles!

This section is dedicated to languages used in the original writings of the Bible. Wikipedia-wise, Hebrew (Biblical, not Modern), Aramaic and Koine Greek are considered Biblical.

While Syriac, Latin and Slavonic are not, but we throw them in anyway because they’re used as the liturgical language of the Catholic Church. Which makes them ´Biblical´ in a small way.

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We know it’s not a lot of choices here for now, but it’s growing little by little.

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  • La Sankta Biblio - Malnova kaj Nova Testamentoj (The Holy Bible - Old and New Testaments) (LaSanktaBiblio) La Sankta Biblio - Malnova kaj Nova Testamentoj (The Holy Bible - Old and New Testaments) (LaSanktaBiblio)
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    La Sankta Biblio - Malnova kaj Nova Testamentoj (The Holy Bible - Old and New Testaments is Esperanto Language)

    La Sankta Biblio - Malnova kaj Nova Testamentoj (The Holy Bible - Old and New Testaments)    !!!  Condition of this Bible as pictures USED VERY GOOD !!!   Overview "La Sankta Biblio" is a significant translation of the Holy...
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  • The New Covenant: Aramaic Peshitta Text with Hebrew Translation (9783438082381) The New Covenant: Aramaic Peshitta Text with Hebrew Translation (9783438082381)
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    The New Covenant: Aramaic Peshitta Text with Hebrew Translation

    The New Covenant: Aramaic Peshitta Text with Hebrew Translation   Bibelausgaben Neues Testament Aramäisch - The New Covenant Aramaic Peshitta Text ISBN: 978-3438082381 / 3438082381   Overview This unique edition of The New...
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  • Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) | Editors: K. Elliger and W. Rudolph (BibliaHebraicaBHS) Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) | Editors: K. Elliger and W. Rudolph (BibliaHebraicaBHS)
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    Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) | Editors: K. Elliger and W. Rudolph

    Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) | Editors: K. Elliger and W. Rudolph  ISBN 9783438052223 / 978-3438052223 / 9783438052193 / 978-3438052193   Product Features Editors: K. Elliger and W. Rudolph Publisher: Deutsche...
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  • Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) – Hebrew Bible (9783438052186) Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) – Hebrew Bible (9783438052186)
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    Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) – Hebrew Bible

    Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) – Hebrew Bible ISBN: 9783438052186 / 978-3438052186   Product Features Title: Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) Language: Hebrew with critical apparatus in...
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  • Interlinear Greek-Chinese New Testament and New Testament Concordance (9789791765770 ) Interlinear Greek-Chinese New Testament and New Testament Concordance (9789791765770 )
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    Interlinear Greek-Chinese New Testament and New Testament Concordance Vol. I-II

    Interlinear Greek - Chinese New Testament and New Testament Concordance | Volume I-II  Greek-Chinese Interlinear NT (VolI) / Concordance (Vol II) 希汉逐字译本: 新约圣经希腊语-汉语逐字译本和新约圣经经文彙編, 2册 (简) ISBN: 9789791765770 (Volume I), 9789791765787 (Volume...
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  • Evangéliaire selon la récitation orale des Apôtres / Texte des quatre Evangiles selon la Peshitto / Frederic Guigain / Paperback (9782876013384) Evangéliaire selon la récitation orale des Apôtres / Texte des quatre Evangiles selon la Peshitto / Frederic Guigain / Paperback (9782876013384)
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    Evangéliaire selon la récitation orale des Apôtres | Texte des quatre Evangiles selon la Peshitto

    Evangéliaire selon la récitation orale des Apôtres / Texte des quatre Evangiles selon la Peshitto / Frederic Guigain / Paperback Gospel according to the oral recitation of the Apostles / Text of the four Gospels according to the...
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  • Библия на церковно-славянском. Репринтное издание - The Bible (Slavonic). Reprint edition (9785913621641) Библия на церковно-славянском. Репринтное издание - The Bible (Slavonic). Reprint edition (9785913621641)
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    The Bible in Church Slavonic Language / Reprint edition / Библия на церковно-славянском. Репринтное издание

    The Bible in Church Slavonic Language / Reprint edition / Библия на церковно-славянском. Репринтное издание   Славе́нскїй ѧ҆зы́къ Printed in Russia  Hardcover   FAMILY SIZE BIBLE (this Bible is huge!)   ISBN:...
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  • Biblia Sacra Veteris Foederis Cum Notis Exegeticis - Tomus II. / Budae 1826 / Latin Language Old Testament, Volume 2 containing: Libri Josue, Judicum, Ruth, Regum, Paralipomenon Biblia Sacra Veteris Foederis Cum Notis Exegeticis - Tomus II. / Budae 1826 / Latin Language Old Testament, Volume 2 containing: Libri Josue, Judicum, Ruth, Regum, Paralipomenon
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    Biblia Sacra Veteris Foederis Cum Notis Exegeticis - Tomus II

    Biblia Sacra Veteris Foederis Cum Notis Exegeticis - Tomus II. / Budae 1826 / Latin Language Old Testament Volume 2 containing: Libri Josue, Judicum, Ruth, Regum, Paralipomenon Product Features: Latin language Old Testament, Volume 2 Covers Libri...
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  • Biblia Sacra Veteris Foederis Cum Notis Exegeticis - Tomus VI. / Budae 1827 / Latin Language Old Testament, Volume 6 / Prophetae Minores, Seu Oseas, Joel, Amos, Abdias, Jonas, Michaeas, Nahum, Habacuc, Sophonias, Aggaeus, Zacharias, Malachias, Et Libri Machabaeorum Biblia Sacra Veteris Foederis Cum Notis Exegeticis - Tomus VI. / Budae 1827 / Latin Language Old Testament, Volume 6 / Prophetae Minores, Seu Oseas, Joel, Amos, Abdias, Jonas, Michaeas, Nahum, Habacuc, Sophonias, Aggaeus, Zacharias, Malachias, Et Libri Machabaeorum
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    Biblia Sacra Veteris Foederis Cum Notis Exegeticis - Tomus VI

    Biblia Sacra Veteris Foederis Cum Notis Exegeticis - Tomus VI. / Budae 1827 / Latin Language Old Testament, Volume 6 / Prophetae Minores, Seu Oseas, Joel, Amos, Abdias, Jonas, Michaeas, Nahum, Habacuc, Sophonias, Aggaeus, Zacharias, Malachias, Et...
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  • Biblia Sacra Vulgata (Vulgate): Holy Bible in Latin
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    Biblia Sacra Vulgata (Vulgate): Holy Bible in Latin

    Jerome's Vulgate: The Authoritative Latin Translation of the Greek and Hebrew Scriptures Product Features: Jerome's translation of the Greek and Hebrew Scriptures into Latin Recognized as authoritative during the Council of Trent (1546) Includes...
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  • The New Testament / Ancient Greek and Today's English Version / Greek - English parallel text / 4th Edition / American Bible Society - UBS / Hardcover 1988 (Eng-GreekNT) The New Testament / Ancient Greek and Today's English Version / Greek - English parallel text / 4th Edition / American Bible Society - UBS / Hardcover 1988 (Eng-GreekNT)
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    The New Testament / Ancient Greek and Today's English Version

    The New Testament / Ancient Greek and Today's English Version Greek - English parallel text - bilingual Bible / 4th Edition / American Bible Society - UBS / Wide Margin Note takers Version Hardcover 1988 PAGES: 926 PUBLISHER: American Bible...
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