Sonbahar (Autumn) – Directed by Özcan Alper| Turkish drama
UPC 8697762816202
Region 2 PAL DVD
Made in Turkey
- Starring: Onur Saylak, Megi Koboladze, Serkan Keskin, Gülefer Yenigül, Nino Lejava
- Release Year: 2008
- Runtime: 102 minutes
- Language: Turkish (with subtitles in English, French, German, and Spanish)
- Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1 Wide Screen
- Audio: Turkish DD 5.1, Turkish DD 2.0
Sonbahar (Autumn) is a poignant and melancholic Turkish drama that tells the story of Yusuf, a former university student who is released from prison after 10 years due to health reasons. Returning to his remote village in the Eastern Black Sea region, Yusuf finds himself in a world that has changed drastically. His only companions are his ailing mother and his childhood friend Mikail.
As the autumn days slowly give way to winter, Yusuf meets Eka, a Georgian prostitute, during a visit to a tavern. Despite their vastly different worlds, their brief connection becomes a final attempt for Yusuf to hold onto life and escape his loneliness. The film is a deeply emotional exploration of love, loss, and the passage of time, set against the stunning backdrop of the Black Sea region.
A Sonbahar (Ősz) egy megrendítő és melankolikus török dráma, amely Yusuf történetét meséli el. Yusuf egykori egyetemi hallgató, aki tíz év börtönbüntetés után egészségügyi okokból szabadul. Hazatérve a Kelet-Fekete-tenger vidékén található távoli falujába, egy teljesen megváltozott világ fogadja. Egyetlen társai idős, beteg édesanyja és gyermekkori barátja, Mikail.
Ahogy az őszi napok lassan átadják helyüket a télnek, Yusuf találkozik Ekával, egy grúz prostituálttal, egy kocsmai látogatás során. Bár teljesen különböző világokból származnak, rövid kapcsolatuk Yusuf számára az utolsó kísérlet arra, hogy megkapaszkodjon az életben, és megszabaduljon magányától. A film mély érzelmekkel teli utazás a szerelem, a veszteség és az idő múlásának témái körül, a Fekete-tenger vidékének lenyűgöző hátterével.
Awards and Recognition
Sonbahar has received critical acclaim and numerous awards at both national and international film festivals, including:
- 15th Altın Koza Film Festival: Best Film
- 41st SİYAD Awards: Best Screenplay, Best Actor (Onur Saylak), Best Cinematography
- 61st Locarno Film Festival: CICAE Award
- 4th International Eurasia Film Festival: NETPAC Jury Award
- 2nd Yeşilçam Awards: Best Actor (Onur Saylak), Turkcell Best First Film Award
- 14th Gezici Film Festival: Silver Goose Award
- 14th Med Film Festival: Special Mention Award
- France Angers Film Festival: Best Music Award
- 57th Trento Film Festival: Best Film Award
- 9th International Tbilisi Film Festival: Silver Prometheus Award
- 20th Ankara Film Festival: 7 Awards, including Best Screenplay and Best Director
Special Features (DVD)
The DVD includes 80 minutes of bonus content:
- Exclusive interviews from the Antalya Film Festival
- Deleted scenes
- Photo gallery
- Gala footage
- The story of the film
- Trailers
Critical Acclaim
- "The melancholic atmosphere of the snow-covered peaks in Autumn brings with it the satisfying feeling of a new, compelling voice in Turkish cinema." – Variety, Jay Weissberg
- "A powerful debut from young Turkish cinema... Watching it feels like a punch to the stomach." – Atilla Dorsay, Sabah
- "A valuable work in the history of Turkish cinema." – Uğur Vardan, Radikal
Technical Details
- Audio: Turkish DD 5.1, Turkish DD 2.0
- Subtitles: English, French, German, Spanish
- Runtime: 102 minutes
- Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1 Wide Screen
- Color: Yes
Production Details
- Director and Screenwriter: Özcan Alper
- Producer: F. Serkan Acar
- Cinematography: Feza Çaldıran
- Production Company: Kuzey Film
#Sonbahar #Autumn #ÖzcanAlper #TurkishCinema #OnurSaylak #LocarnoFilmFestival #TurkishDrama #AwardWinningFilm #BlackSeaRegion #MelancholicCinema