
Russian - Korean Bilingual New Testament with Hymnal

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Product Overview

Russian - Korean Bilingual New Testament with Hymnal

Product Details

  • Title: Russian - Korean Bilingual New Testament with Hymnal
  • Languages: Russian, Korean
  • Publisher: Korean Bible Society (KBS)
  • Publication Year: 1992 (2nd Printing)
  • Binding: Black Vinyl
  • Pages: 614
  • Print Run: 22,000 Copies


This Russian-Korean bilingual New Testament with Hymnal is a historic publication that emerged in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union (CCCP). Korean missionaries had requested the Korean Bible Society to print this edition, which represents the second printing with a run of 22,000 copies.

The majority of these copies were distributed to Soviet Russia and its affiliated regions, making this New Testament an important resource for the spread of the Word of God during a pivotal moment in history. This publication serves as a testament to the dedication and efforts of Christian missionaries to provide the Scriptures in the languages of the people, even in the face of significant political and social upheaval.

The black vinyl binding gives this bilingual New Testament a durable and practical appearance, suitable for personal use, church libraries, or ministry outreach. The inclusion of a hymnal alongside the biblical text further enhances the devotional and spiritual value of this publication.

This historic Russian-Korean New Testament is a valuable resource for those interested in the Bible's history and the ways in which the Word of God has been disseminated across different cultures and regions, particularly during times of significant change and transition.


Этот русско-корейский двуязычный Новый Завет с Псалтырями представляет собой историческое издание, появившееся после распада Советского Союза (CCCP). Корейские миссионеры обратились к Корейскому библейскому обществу с просьбой напечатать это издание, которое представляет собой второе издание тиражом 22 000 экземпляров.

Большинство этих экземпляров было распространено в Советской России и прилегающих к ней регионах, что сделало Новый Завет важным ресурсом для распространения Слова Божьего в поворотный момент истории. Эта публикация служит свидетельством самоотверженности и усилий христианских миссионеров по обеспечению Священного Писания на языках людей, даже перед лицом значительных политических и социальных потрясений.

Черный виниловый переплет придает этому двуязычному Новому Завету прочный и практичный вид, подходящий для личного использования, церковных библиотек или служения. Включение сборника гимнов рядом с библейским текстом еще больше повышает религиозную и духовную ценность этой публикации.

Этот исторический русско-корейский Новый Завет является ценным ресурсом для тех, кто интересуется библейской историей и способами распространения Слова Божьего в разных культурах и регионах, особенно во времена значительных перемен и переходных периодов.


찬송가가 포함된 이 러시아어-한국어 이중 언어 신약은 소련(CCCP) 붕괴의 여파로 등장한 역사적인 출판물입니다. 한국 선교사들은 대한성서공회에 이 판의 인쇄를 요청했는데, 이 판은 22,000부로 두 번째 인쇄에 해당합니다.

이 사본의 대부분은 소련과 그 부속 지역에 배포되었으며, 이로 인해 이 신약성서는 역사상 중추적인 순간에 하나님의 말씀을 전파하는 데 중요한 자료가 되었습니다. 이 출판물은 중대한 정치적, 사회적 격변 속에서도 사람들의 언어로 성경을 제공하려는 기독교 선교사들의 헌신과 노력에 대한 증거입니다.

검정색 비닐 제본은 이 이중 언어 신약성서에 내구성이 있고 실용적인 외관을 부여하여 개인용, 교회 도서관 또는 사역 봉사 활동에 적합합니다. 성경 본문과 함께 찬송가를 포함시키면 이 출판물의 신앙적, 영적 가치가 더욱 높아집니다.

이 역사적인 러시아어-한국어 신약성서는 성경의 역사와 특히 중요한 변화와 전환의 시기에 하나님의 말씀이 다양한 문화와 지역에 전파된 방식에 관심이 있는 사람들에게 귀중한 자료입니다.

Product Specifications

  • Languages: Russian, Korean
  • Publisher: Korean Bible Society (KBS)
  • Publication Year: 1992 (2nd Printing)
  • Binding: Black Vinyl
  • Pages: 614
  • Print Run: 22,000 Copies

Interesting Facts

  • This Russian-Korean bilingual New Testament with Hymnal was published in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union (CCCP).
  • Korean missionaries had requested the Korean Bible Society to print this edition, which represents the second printing with a run of 22,000 copies.
  • The majority of these copies were distributed to Soviet Russia and its affiliated regions, making this New Testament an important resource for the spread of the Word of God during a pivotal moment in history.
  • The inclusion of a hymnal alongside the biblical text further enhances the devotional and spiritual value of this publication.







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