
Rossini: Il Barbiere Di Siviglia (A Sevillai Borbely) - Gyorgy Melis, Jozsef Reti, Margit Laszlo, Mihaly Szekely, Lajos Katona, Zsuzsa Diveky, Zsolt Bende, Tibor Nadas / Hungaroton Classic 2x Audio CD 1998 Mono / HCD 12625-26

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Product Overview

Rossini: Il Barbiere Di Siviglia (A Sevillai Borbely) - Gyorgy Melis, Jozsef Reti, Margit Laszlo, Mihaly Szekely, Lajos Katona, Zsuzsa Diveky, Zsolt Bende, Tibor Nadas / Hungaroton Classic 2x Audio CD 1998 Mono / HCD 12625-26

UPC 5991811262525


A sevillai borbély (olaszul Il barbiere di Siviglia) Gioachino Rossini kétfelvonásos operája. Szövegkönyvét Cesare Sterbini írta Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais színműve nyomán. Ősbemutatójára Almaviva o sia l'inutile precauzione címmel 1816. február 20-án került sor a római Teatro Argentinában. A mű (legalábbis részleteinek) ismertsége túlmutat az operabarátok egyre szűkülő körén: például a világhírű Largo al factotum della città kezdetű ária (Figaro belépője) számos filmben és rajzfilmben felbukkan. Pesten 1820-ban mutatták be német nyelven, majd 1837-ben Szerdahelyi József fordításában magyarul is.


Label: Hungaroton Classic – HCD 12625-26
2 x CD, Mono
Country: Hungary




CD 1

[1] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Sinfonia

[2] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act I Scene 1: Introduction: Gyertek csak csendesen (Piano, pianissimo) (Fiorello, Coro, Grof)

[3] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act I Scene 1: Cavatina: Mar a mosolygo hajnal (Ecco ridente in cielo) (Grof)

[4] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act I Scene 1: Introduction (cont.): Hej, Fiorello! (Grof, Fiorello, Coro)

[5] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act I Scene 1: Recitative: Tapintatlan nepseg (Gente indiscreta!) (Grof, Fiorello)

[6] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act I Scene 1: Cavatina: Lassatok bennem (Largo al factotum) (Figaro)

[7] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act I Scene 1: Recitative: Ha-ha, ez aztan elet! (Ah, ah! che bella vita!) (Figaro, Grof)

[8] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act I Scene 1: Recitative: Nehany perc csak, visszaterek (Fra momenti io torno) (Bartolo, Grof, Figaro)

[9] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act I Scene 1: Canzone: Hogyha nevemet kerdezed (Se il mio nome saper voi bramate) (Grof)

[10] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act I Scene 1: Recitative: Mi volt az? (Oh cielo!) (Grof, Figaro)

[11] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act I Scene 1: Duet: Ilyenfajta jatszi elme (All'idea di quel metallo) (Figaro, Grof)

[12] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act I Scene 2: Cavatina: Hallottam szelid szavat (Una voce poco fa) (Rosina)

[13] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act I Scene 2: Recitative: Ugy am, gyozni fogok (Si, si, la vincero) (Rosina)

[14] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act I Scene 2: Recitative: Szep kisasszony, jo napot! (Oh, buon di, signorina!) (Figaro, Rosina)

[15] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act I Scene 2: Recitative: Ez a kotnivalo Figaro (Ah, disgraziato Figaro!) (Bartolo, Rosina, Ambrogio)

[16] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act I Scene 2: Recitative: Varj, te lokoto borbely (Ah! Barbiere d'inferno) (Bartolo, Basilio)

[17] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act I Scene 2: Aria: Lagy kis szello (La calunnia e un venticello) (Basilio)

[18] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act I Scene 2: Recitative: Nos, mit szol ehhez? (Ah! che ne dite?) (Basilio, Bartolo)

[19] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act I Scene 2: Recitative: Ez pompas, ez kituno (Ma bravi! ma benone!) (Figaro, Rosina)

[20] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act I Scene 2: Duet: Szoval en, o hiheto-e (Dunque io son) (Rosina, Figaro)

[21] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act I Scene 2: Recitative: No vegre, szep kisasszony (Insomma, colle buone) (Rosina, Bartolo)

[22] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act I Scene 2: Aria: Engem ily butanak nezni (A un dottor della mia sorte) (Bartolo)



CD 2

[1] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act I Scene 2: Recitative: Csak dormoges (Finora in questa camera) (Berta, Grof)

[2] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act I Scene 2: Finale I: Hej, legenyek (Ehi, di casa!) (Grof, Bartolo, Rosina, Berta, Basilio, Figaro)

[3] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act I Scene 2: Hat itt mit tortent? (Che cosa accadde) (Figaro, Bartolo, Grof, Coro)

[4] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act I Scene 2: Csendben lenni (Fermi tutti) (Coro, Bartolo, Figaro, Berta, Basilio, Grof, a Tiszt)

[5] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act I Scene 2: Sobalvany lett szegeny (Fredd' ed immobile) (Rosina, Grof, Berta, Basilio, Bartolo, Figaro)

[6] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act I Scene 2: Stretta del Finale I: Csakhogy en… mert a teny (Ma, signor) (Bartolo, Coro, Berta, Basilio, Rosina, Grof, Figaro)

[7] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act II: Recitative: Egy szot sem ertek ebbol! (Ma vedi il mio destino!) (Bartolo)

[8] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act II: Duet: Aldast, beket adjon Isten! (Pace e gioia sia con voi) (Grof, Bartolo)

[9] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act II: Recitative: Nos, szabad vegre tudnom (Insomma, mio signore) (Bartolo, Grof)

[10] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act II: Recitative: Csak jojjon, szep kisasszony! (Venite, signorina) (Bartolo, Rosina, Grof)

[11] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act II: Aria: Contro un cor (Rosina, Grof)

[12] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act II: Recitative: Milyen szep hang (Bella voce!) (Grof, Rosina, Bartolo)

[13] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act II: Arietta: Hogyha egyszer behivna (Quando mi sei vicina) (Bartolo)

[14] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act II: Recitative: Itt vagy, atkozott borbely (Bravo, signor barbiere) (Bartolo, Figaro, Rosina)

[15] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act II: Quintet: Don Basilio! (Rosina, Grof, Figaro, Bartolo, Basilio)

[16] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act II: Quintet: Isten onnel, draga ember (Buona sera, mio signore) (Rosina, Grof, Figaro, Bartolo, Basilio)

[17] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act II: Gyorsan! Bravissimo! (Stringi, bravissimo) (Bartolo, Grof, Rosina, Figaro)

[18] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act II: Recitative: Jaj, kellett ez nekem? (Ah, disgraziato me!) (Bartolo, Berta)

[19] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act II: Aria: Nezd az aggot (Il vecchiotto cerca moglie) (Berta)

[20] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act II: Recitative: Tehat on Don Alonsot meg soha nem is latta? (Dunque voi Don Alonso) (Bartolo, Basilio)

[21] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act II: Recitative: Vagy eroszak, vagy szerelem (Per forza o per amore) (Bartolo, Rosina)

[22] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act II: Temporale

[23] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act II: Recitative: Nos, vegre, itt vagyunk hat! (Alfine, eccoci qua) (Figaro, Grof, Rosina)

[24] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act II: Trio: Vegre latok (Ah! qual colpo inaspettato!) (Rosina, Figaro, Grof)

[25] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act II: Recitative: Jaj, mindjart vegem van (Ah, disgraziati noi!) (Figaro, Grof, Rosina, Basilio, Tiszt)

[26] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act II: Recitative: Egy szoval, egul en huzom a rovidet (Insomma, io ho tutti i torti) (Bartolo)

[27] — The Barber of Seville (sung in Hungarian) - Act II: Finale: A paroke e szep perc (Di si felice innesto) (Mind)






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