
Motivul sperantei mele: Salvarea by Billy Graham / Romanian Translation of The Reason for My Hope: Salvation / Paperback 2014 / CLC Romania

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Motivul sperantei mele: Salvarea by Billy Graham / Romanian Translation of The Reason for My Hope: Salvation / Paperback 2014 / CLC Romania



ISBN: 9786068331133 / 978-6068331133

ISBN-10: 606833113X

PAGES: 212




Romanian Summary:

Speranta este un dar. Ai avut vreodata parte de o asemenea experienta care sa te scoata din incertitudine si sa te duca intr-o siguranta profunda? Daca da, atunci ai dobandit speranta. Cand vine ea, disperarea pleaca. Un vechi proverb scotian spune: "Daca n-ar fi speranta, inima s-ar frange." Cum iti este inima? Omenirea este asaltata de stiri privind nesiguranta din lume. Inimile sunt paralizate de frica de necunoscut. Intr-un articol publicat de World Trends Research, cu privire la societatea noastra atat de alerta si atat de tehnologizata, Van Wishard a scris: "Urmatoarele trei decenii se contureaza drept cei mai decisivi 30 de ani ai istoriei."1 Intr-adevar, traim vremuri tumultoase. Nesiguranta este atat de raspandita, incat ultimul moft din industria felicitarilor este acela de a oferi incurajare prin intermediul felicitarilor electronice care pot fi citite pe ecranele computerelor. Pe o asemenea felicitare scrie: "In fata incertitudinii, nu este nimic gresit sa speri." Pe o alta apare simplu un indicator cu denumirea unei strazi: "Bulevardul SPERANŢEI" si, sub el, semnul SENS UNIC. Intr-adevar, exista o singura cale care duce la o asemenea siguranta pentru astazi si pentru viitor si despre ea as dori sa vorbesc in paginile care urmeaza. In vremuri ca acestea, avem nevoie de o speranta certa. Ce este speranta? Unii o asociaza cu o dorinta fantezista. Insa cuvantul sugereaza siguranta de a crede in ceva mai mare decat noi insine si care nu se afla in stiinta, medicina, politica sau tehnologie. Este un dar maret care nu ne secatuieste viata, ci ne umple cu beneficiile vesnice care decurg din comorile sale aparent ascunse. Daca te indoiesti de teza mea, ia in considerare aceste adevaruri. Speranta este respiratia naturii care ne inconjoara zilnic.


English Summary:

What is the most hopeful word in History?

For Billy Graham, that word is SALVATION.

Salvation from what?

From our selfish and self-destructive selves.

From the messes we get ourselves into.

From the sin that has haunted humanity from the beginning of time and the evil that pulls us down every day.

From the cultural deceits that blind us to God's saving message.

From the Hell so many don't believe in.

If we don't think we need salvation, we're fooling ourselves.

If we think we are beyond salvation, we're underestimating God.

If we just don't want to think about salvation, we're putting ourselves in eternal peril.

At the age of ninety-five Billy Graham proclaims God's Gospel with resolve and deep compassion. It is a message he has been preaching for more than seventy years. And in this book you will sense its urgency, filled with hope for the future. 

"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved" (Acts 16:31)


About the Author:

William Franklin Graham Jr. (November 7, 1918 – February 21, 2018) was an American evangelist, a prominent evangelical Christian figure, and an ordained Southern Baptist minister who became well-known internationally in the late 1940s. One of his biographers has placed him "among the most influential Christian leaders" of the 20th century.

As a preacher, he held large indoor and outdoor rallies with sermons broadcast on radio and television; some were still being re-broadcast into the 21st century. In his six decades of television, Graham hosted annual "Crusades", evangelistic campaigns, which ran from 1947 until his retirement in 2005. He also hosted the radio show Hour of Decision from 1950 to 1954. He repudiated racial segregation and insisted on racial integration for his revivals and crusades, starting in 1953; he also invited Martin Luther King Jr. to preach jointly at a revival in New York City in 1957. In addition to his religious aims, he helped shape the worldview of a huge number of people who came from different backgrounds, leading them to find a relationship between the Bible and contemporary secular viewpoints. According to his website, Graham preached to live audiences of 210 million people in more than 185 countries and territories through various meetings, including BMS World Mission and Global Mission.



William Franklin "Billy" Graham, Jr., KBE (n. 7 noiembrie 1918, Charlotte, Carolina de Nord, SUA – d. 21 februarie 2018, Montreat[*], Carolina de Nord, SUA) a fost un evangelist creștin, pastor de orientare baptistă de sud, care a devenit celebru în 1949 prin atragerea unui grup masiv de protestanți moderați, deveniți baza aderenților săi.


La nivel mondial, Billy Graham este cel mai renumit predicator baptist din a doua jumătate a secolului 20 și una dintre cele mai notorii personalități americane ale acestei perioade. Aducînd mesajul unei a doua renașteri⁠(d), Billy Graham este renumit pentru adunările evanghelistice organizate în întreaga lume, care au produs convertiri masive. Invitat obișnuit al Casei Albe sub zece președinți americani, începând cu Harry S. Truman, pastorul Billy Graham este una dintre cele mai mediatizate personalități din Statele Unite ale Americii.









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