
Lumière! DVD 2016 Lumiére! – A kaland kezdete / Directed by Thierry Frémaux / Starring: Auguste Lumière, Louis Lumière, Martin Scorsese

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Product Overview

Lumière! DVD 2016 Lumiére! – A kaland kezdete / Directed by Thierry Frémaux / Starring: Auguste Lumière, Louis Lumière, Martin Scorsese

UPC 5999887816413

REGION 0 DVD (all regions)


AUDIO: French 5.1

SUBTITLES: French, Hungarian

Total Runtime: 89+49 minutes EXTRAS


English Summary:

Lumière! is a journey into the universe of the creators of filmmaking: the surviving frames of the recordings made by the Lumière brothers have been united into one single film by Thierry Frémaux. From behind the archive footages, the director talks with peerless enthusiasm and humour about the world and about France at the dawn of modernity, as well as about the birth of motion pictures. “Louis Lumière was a genuine artist. He was the first film director and an inventor at the same time. Aged thirty, he was young, full of energy and vitality. This too is featured in our film. The world of the Lumières is delicate and sensitive. My purpose was to show all this in a lively manner" – writes the director, Frémaux, who is also the director of the Cannes Festival and director of the legendary Institute Lumière.


Hungarian Summary:

A Lumière! című film utazás a filmművészet megteremtőinek univerzumába: a Lumière-fivérek által forgatott felvételek fennmaradt képkockáit Thierry Frémaux állította össze egyetlen filmalkotássá. Az archív felvételek hátterében a rendező páratlan szenvedéllyel és humorral mesél a modern kor hajnalának világáról és Franciaországáról, valamint a mozgókép megszületéséről. „Louis Lumière igazi művész volt. Ő volt az első filmrendező ‒ és egyben feltaláló. Harmincéves korában fiatal volt, tele energiával, életörömmel. A filmünkben ezt is bemutatjuk. Lumière-ék világa finom, érzékeny. Az volt a célom, hogy mindezt élményszerűen láttassam" – írja Frémaux, a film rendezője, aki egyúttal a Cannes-i Filmfesztivál művészeti igazgatója és a legendás Institute Lumière vezetője.


Auguste Marie Louis Nicolas Lumière (19 October 1862 – 10 April 1954) was a French engineer, industrialist, biologist, and illusionist. During 1894–1895, he and his brother Louis invented an animated photographic camera and projection device, the cinematograph, which met with worldwide success.

Lumière was born in Besançon. He attended the Martinière Technical School and worked as a manager at the photographic company of his father, Claude-Antoine Lumière. He was invited to attend a demonstration of the Kinetoscope invented by Thomas Edison, which inspired his and his brother's work on the cinematograph. The brothers screened their first film using this device in December 1895, and following the success of this initial venture opened a number of cinemas worldwide. However, Auguste was skeptical of the potential of the device, remarking "My invention can be exploited... as a scientific curiosity, but apart from that it has no commercial value whatsoever".

After his work on the cinematograph Lumière began focusing on the biomedical field, becoming a pioneer in the use of X-rays to examine fractures. He also contributed to innovations in military aircraft, producing a catalytic heater to allow cold-weather engine starts. He died in Lyon, aged 91.



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