
Don Bosco DVD 1988 Don Bosco Az ifjúság Atyja és Mestere / Directed by Leandro Castellani / Starring: Ben Gazzara, Patsy Kensit, Karl Zinny, Laurent Terzieff / Don Bosco: The True Story of the Apostle of Youth

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Product Overview

Don Bosco DVD 1988 Don Bosco Az ifjúság Atyja és Mestere / Directed by Leandro Castellani / Starring: Ben Gazzara, Patsy Kensit, Karl Zinny, Laurent Terzieff / Don Bosco: The True Story of the Apostle of Youth

UPC 5999885039968



AUDIO: Hungarian 2.0, English 2.0

SUBTITLES: Hungarian

Total Runtime: 108 MINUTES


English Summary:

Don Bosco: The True Story of the Apostle of Youth

Don Bosco is a 1988 Italian biographical drama film directed by Leandro Castellani. It depicts real life events of Roman Catholic priest John Bosco


Ben Gazzara stars in this classic film about St. John Bosco, the beloved 19th century Italian priest who sought out the homeless youth of Turin to help them have a better life. He overcame incredible challenges, including the government who wanted him out of the way, an archbishop who tried to silence him, and the revolution that put a price on his head. But nothing could stop Don Bosco from rescuing the poor and outcast children to give them a home, teach them work skills, and catechize them in the Catholic faith.


Don Bosco is the inspiring true story of a brave and holy priest whose single-handed battle to save the children of the streets inspired the formation of the Salesians, which is now a worldwide religious order that carries on his work with youth everywhere. Blessed with tremendous gifts, a creative imagination and a great sense of humor, Bosco had a winning way with youth and was a brilliant educator.


Having suffered much in his own youth and growing up without a father gave him compassion for the many orphans he cared for, and his profound charity shines through in this film. His deep devotion to and trust in Our Lady was a great source of blessings and strength for his work with youth that continues to this day. Patsy Kensit and Karl Zinny also star with Gazzara, and the film was directed by Leandro Castellani.



Hungarian Summary:

Don Bosco a fiatalok segítőjeként az egyik legjelentősebb katolikus rendalapító volt, akinek nevelési módszere az ésszerűségen, a szeretetre méltóságon és a vallásosságon alapult. Kalandos életének egy fontos szakaszát mutatja be ez az alkotás, melynek címszereplőjeként Ben Gazzara nyújt feledhetetlen alakítást. A XIX. század első felének Torinójában Don Bosco azzal szembesül, hogy a gyárosok milyen súlyos mértékben kizsákmányolják a gyermekeket, így minél több ifjú rászorulón próbál meg segíteni. Amikor pedig neki és pártfogoltjainak távoznia kell a városból, nem esik kétségbe, hiszen tudja: ha egy pillanatra sem veszti el hitét, akkor a dolgok jobbra fordulnak, és nem tornyosul semmi sem leküzdhetetlen akadályként előtte…Halálának századik évfordulója alkalmából Don Boscót, akit 1929-ben boldoggá, majd öt évvel később szentté avattak, II. János Pál pápa úgy nevezte: „Az Ifjúság Atyja és Mestere”.


Cast / Szereplők


Directed by Leandro Castellani
Written by Ennio De Concini
Starring Ben Gazzara
Music by Stelvio Cipriani
Cinematography Renato Tafuri







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