Devotional Bible Studies by Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Marsh, Frederick Edward, 1858-1919 / Devotional Bible Studies - Pearls, Points and Parables
!!! Condition is USED VERY GOOD !!!
ISBN 0825432308
- Publisher : Kregel Pubns (January 1, 1980)
- Language : English
- Hardcover : 292 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0825432308
- ISBN-13 : 978-0825432309 / 9780825432309
- Item Weight : 1.2 pounds
Devotional Bible Studies speak for themselves. The plan of this volume is to give a title as a foundation, then a text as a door of entrance to the subject, then an incident as suggesting the outline of the house of thought, then Scripture references as separate rooms to visit, then a pearl of thought, as unfolding the view to be seen by the out-looker, presenting in capsule form the message of the subject.
The purpose of the book is to help the busy worker for Christ. The Christ is the Wheat of God's Word, which is wrapped up in the package of suggestion and outline, that the grain may be ground in the mill of the individual's meditation, and then the flour of result to be passed on, that cakes of truth may be baked for the benefit of others. This treasury of devotionals, originally entitled, Pearls Points and Parables, developed from Marsh's belief the Word of God is enlivening, enlightening, enduring, emancipating and encouraging. For the Christian Bible student, who aspires with Paul "that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection," this work offers the opportunity through study and devotion to be found in Christ and to become more like Christ. A double index will be found: one index of titles and one index of texts. The starred texts are the foundation passages of Scripture and the rest of the texts are found in the body of the Bible study.