Grab Your Popcorn for a Spiritual Journey: Dive Into BIML's Global Cinema Vault
Grab Your Popcorn for a Spiritual Journey: Dive Into BIML's Global Cinema VaultWelcome to the ShowEver thought movies could take you on a spiritual trip? Well, buckle up because Bible In My Language (BIML) is about to take you on an epic journey with its stash of over 10,000 rare foreign flicks. Imagine this: every film is a window, and through it, a view into the diverse spiritual landscapes of our world. Let's explore how these gems from different corners of the globe can deepen our understand
Feb 24th 2024
We Believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God!
We Believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God!We believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, that He was conceived
without sin by the Holy Spirit and was born of the virgin Mary. He lived
without sin and died a vicarious death, rose bodily from the dead,
ascended bodily to heaven, from whence He will come again to rapture
believers and raise the righteous dead, and that He will rule and reign
for one thousand years upon the throne of His forefather, David, in
Dec 5th 2017