
4-Yr-Old Claire Ryann Singing “Beautiful Savior” to Jesus Will Make You Cry, Laugh, and Smile

Posted by BIML Asian Team on May 19th 2017

Claire Ryann Singing “Beautiful Savior” to Jesus

Five days before Easter 2017, Youtube sensation Claire Ryann posted a moving video of herself in front of a field of yellow tulips singing “Beautiful Savior”–or rather her parents posted it.

Four-year-old Claire has been singing ever since she began to talk. She memorizes lyrics as her parents sing her to sleep. One day, her father posted a short clip of her singing “Little Mermaid,” and it went viral. The rest is history.

“Beautiful Savior”

In the video, the young star proudly proclaims the beauty of her Savior: “Fair is the sunshine, fairer the moonlight and all the stars in heav’n above; Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines purer and brings to all the world His love.”

She sings with such expression that you can’t help but believe her. Clips of her singing are juxtaposed with clips of Jesus ministering to the needy. Indeed, He is a beautiful Savior.

Faith Like a Child

Sure, there are many other more “polished” versions of “Beautiful Savior.” But there’s something special about hearing the lips of an innocent child proclaiming the love of her Heavenly Father.

Jesus himself recognized the unparalleled power of a child’s faith. In Matthew 18, the anxious disciples, concerned about their salvation, questioned Jesus about who is the greatest in Heaven. His response? “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven.”

Again, in Matthew 19:14, Jesus affirms, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

What Can We Learn from a Child?

So what exactly is the faith of a child? And how can we, as adults, have this kind of faith? Step 1: Watch Claire as she freely and purely announces her love and devotion to her Father–just as easily as if she were telling her earthly father that she loved him. There is not a glimmer of doubt to be found in her confident demeanor; She knows, believes, and acts on the truth–unhindered by worldly cares.

Granted, little Claire doesn’t have to worry about the utility bills, taxes, or health concerns that come with age. But I think that’s Jesus’s point. Until we, as adults, can see above and beyond the daily grind, we will never experience the transformational, all-consuming power of Jesus’s love.

Work for the Lord–Not for Man

Now, of course this doesn’t mean that you should quit “adulting”–whatever that means. But it does mean that whatever you do, you do it as though you are working for the Lord (Colossians 3:23).

Imagine this: You are a renowned architect in an ancient kingdom. The king hears of your success, and invites you into his presence to design his next castle. The catch: You have to create the design at the foot of his throne. While you work, you focus on the design, but you never forget that you are in the presence of the king.

As a modern day Christian, we should feel humbled and awed–just as the architect–while we complete daily tasks and chores in God’s presence. Clearly, Claire Ryann has mastered this art of faith.