
Big Man: Polizza inferno DVD 1988 Óriási nyomozó - Halálbiztosítás / Directed by Steno / Starring: Bud Spencer / Hungarian VO with Bujtor István

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Product Overview

Big Man: Polizza inferno DVD 1988 Óriási nyomozó - Halálbiztosítás / Directed by Steno / Starring: Bud Spencer / Hungarian VO with Bujtor István

UPC 5999882817446



AUDIO: Hungarian 2.0, English 2.0, Italian 5.1

SUBTITLES: Hungarian

Runtime: 87 minutes


Italian Summary:

Big Man è una serie televisiva lanciata nel 1988 e trasmessa su Canale 5, composta da sei episodi della durata di un'ora e mezza ciascuno. Il protagonista della serie è Jack Clementi (impersonato da Bud Spencer), detective assicurativo dei Lloyd's di Londra, chiamato da tutti "professore". Quando non è al lavoro vive in un albergo di Cap d'Antibes, in Costa Azzurra, gestito da madame Fernande (interpretata da Mylène Demongeot). In tutti gli episodi è affiancato da Simon Lecoq (Denis Karvil), suo "tassista" e collaboratore personale.

Hungarian Summary:

Nagy értékű életbiztosítások megkötése után tulajdonosaik sorban haláloznak el a legkülönösebb módokon. A biztosítócégnek szemet szúrnak az esetek, és mint ilyenkor általában, csak az éles eszű és kemény öklű óriás segíthet kibogozni a rejtelmes ügy szálait. Jack beleveti magát a nyomozásba, megszakítva nyaralását is, melyet régóta tervezett. Hűséges társa, Simon segítségével - aki sok évet "öregszik" néhány perc alatt a siker érdekében - egy olyan szekta nyomára bukkannak, amely sem az ember, sem Isten törvényeit nem tiszteli.

English Summary:

The renowned Insurance International Co. is like a fortress under siege, stormed on every side by a horde of money- hungry flee-cers. Assailing the company are swindlers of every size, shape and colour.
To defend itself from this insatiable swarm , the company has created an enquiry network of its own, healed by Jack Clementi – the professor – a veteran detective in the war against fraud. He is a “ big “ man in every sense. His temperament is reflected in his physique. He’s as big as a mountain and strong as a bull. The eyes are those of a man who has seen it all from the tragic to the funny side of life.
Jack has saved the company enormous amounts of money throughout his successful investigations and his bosses are more than willing put up with his brusque manners, his disconcerting frankness, and his intolerance for any form of company bureaucracy.
Yet this hasn’t tarnished his basic extroverted nature, his affability or his generosity. Jack Clementi is a friend to everybody especially animals and children. Here is a big guy with a huge heart.
‘A Policy for Hell’
Winterbottom calls Big Man at Lloyd’s International headquarters to entrust him a new research. In the last two years, Lloyd’s has been giving premiums for several thousand millions to the families of insured people who have died only a few months after having stipulated their policies. As Jack Clementi reaches Munich, he meets captain Kraus who gives him more accurate information about the accidents. Jack follows the track of a German builder, Merkl, who is in big financial trouble and on whom there is a warrant for arrest. Knowing that Merkl is fugitive, Jack follows his steps until he finds out that the man has died under mysterious circumstances.


Cast / Szereplők:









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