
A név ereje by Derek Prince / Hungarian edition of Power in the Name / Immanuel Szószóró 2013 / Paperback

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A név ereje by Derek Prince / Hungarian edition of Power in the Name / Immanuel Szószóró 2013

Paperback 2013

ISBN: 9786155246173 /  978-6155246173

ISBN-10: 6155246173

PAGES: 174




About the Author:

Peter Derek Vaughan Prince (14 August 1915 – 24 September 2003) was a Bible teacher whose daily radio programme, Derek Prince Legacy Radio, is broadcast around the world in various languages.

Though well-known for his teaching on deliverance ministry, Prince is also remembered for his participation in the controversial discipleship, or "shepherding," movement in the 1970s. As reports of control and manipulation began to circulate, Prince eventually withdrew from the movement he began with Don Basham, Ern Baxter, Bob Mumford and Charles Simpson. He publicly repented for his involvement, saying, "I believe we were guilty of the Galatian error: having begun in the Spirit, we quickly degenerated into the flesh," WorldNet Daily reported.


Hungarian Summary:

Mély vágya Istennek, hogy szeretetteljes kapcsolatot ápoljon népével. E könyv lapjain több bestseller szerzője, Derek Prince bibliatanító segít nekünk Isten tulajdonságainak és mindenható erejének föltárásában, Isten számos nevének és címének - köztük az "Ő, Aki gondot visel", "Ő, Aki gyógyít" és a "Békesség Fejedelme" - felfedezése révén. Amint mind mélyebben megismered Isten természetét, - gyógyulást nyerhetsz, - átélheted bűneid bocsánatát, - békére és biztonságra lelhetsz, - legyőzheted a gonosz erőket, - isteni bölcsességre és ismeretre juthatsz, - fölfedezheted életcélodat. És ne feledd, Isten, az Atya épp annyira szeret téged, mint amennyire Fiát, Jézust szereti! (Lásd János 17:23.) Miközben megismerkedsz Isten tulajdonságaival, és bensőségesebb módon megismered Őt, aratni fogod sok-sok ígéretének áldását, és betöltetnek legmélyebb szükségeid.


English Summary:

Acclaimed Bible teacher Derek Prince explores the essential nature of God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ through a scriptural look at their various names, titles, and manifestations. He reveals God's deep desire for a relationship of love and unity with His people, whom He has created and redeemed. Discover the divine power and character of God by knowing Him as "The One Who Provides," "The One Who Heals," "The One Who Is Our Righteousness," "The One Who Is There," "Prince of Peace," "Wonderful Counselor," "The Word," "Alpha and Omega," "Savior," and "King of Kings and Lord of Lords."









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