The New International Commentary on the New Testament / The First and Second Epistles to the Thessalonians by Leon Morris / Revised Edition / Eerdmans 1991 / Hardcover
Hardcover 1991
ISBN: 9780802821683 / 978-0802821683
ISBN-10: 0802821685
PAGES: 278
Since it first appeared in 1959, Morris' NICNT volume on Thessalonians has gained a permanent place as a guide to these letter, which have so much to say on the Christian life and the Christian hope.
The Revised Edition will certainly prove to be as useful for readers. Summing up the results of a
Morris's work in this edition, F. F. Bruce concludes: “Here, in short, we have a thoroughly up-to-date and reliable commentary on 1 and 2 Thessalonians a
for students in the 1990S, and indeed well into the twenty-first century.
LEON MORRIS retired as principal of Ridley College: Melboume, Australia, in 1979. He Is the author of numerous books, including The Gospel According to John in the NICNT series.