
Romanian Thompson Chain Study Bible / Black Leather-bound, Zipper, Thumb Index, Golden Edges

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Romanian Thompson Chain Study Bible / Black Leather-bound, Zipper, Thumb Index, Golden Edges

Biblia Sau Sfanta Scriptura Cornilescu Editie de studiu Thompson / Editia a II-a 2003 


Product Details

  • Leather Bound: 1834 pages
  • Publisher: La Buona Novella INC. Bible Publishing House (2003)
  • Language: Romanian
  • ISBN-10: 9738512484
  • ISBN-13: 978-9738512481


More than a century ago, in 1890, a modest country preacher from upstate New York named Thompson began writing a few notes on the margin of each page of his Bible. He was convinced that Scripture must interpret itself, therefore he dedicated over forty years of his life to putting together verses that were related to the subjects he was preaching about. Some of the believers in his church saw his Bible, which was full of colorful notes, and simply did not let it go. People spent hours on end following chains of verses on certain subjects. Finally, in 1908, the believers in his church decided to print an edition of the Bible that marginally included the study notes from the old and used Bible of their pastor. That edition of the Bible became known over time as the Thompson Study Bible. In Romanian, the Bible - Thompson study edition, contains the orthographically revised Dumitru Cornilescu translation without changes in the content of the text. The edition was made by the Emanuel University of Oradea in collaboration with ITM Romania. In the Bible - Thompson study edition you will discover: - 2,000 Bible topics that will direct you to the Bible verses related to them - 100 thematic Bible studies - 45 portraits of prominent biblical characters and a list of Bible texts about significant events in their lives . - 100 articles with updated archaeological information related to various places or biblical settlements. - Other helpful materials for Bible study. - The edition in Romanian includes a concordance with 40,000 words (the most comprehensive at the moment in the Romanian language) - 15 maps of the most important geographical places described in the Bible

In urma cu mai bine de un secol, in 1890, un predicator modest de la tara, din partea de nord a statului New York, pe nume Thompson, a inceput sa scrie cateva notite pe marginea fiecarei pagini a Bibliei sale. Era convins ca Scriptura trebuie sa se interpreteze pe sine, prin urmare si-a dedicat peste patruzeci de ani din viata punand laolalta versete care aveau legatura cu subiectele despre care predica. Cativa dintre credinciosii din biserica lui i-au vazut Biblia, care era plina de notite colorate si, pur si simplu, nu au mai lasat-o din maini. Oamenii petreceau ore in sir urmarind lanturile de versete despre anumite subiecte. In cele din urma, in 1908, credinciosii din biserica lui au hotarat sa tipareasca o editie a Bibliei care sa includa marginal notitele de studiu din Biblia veche si uzata a pastorului lor. Acea editie a Bibliei s-a consacrat cu timpul sub numele de Biblia de studiu Thompson. In limba romana, Biblia - editie de studiu Thompson, contine traducerea Dumitru Cornilescu revizuita ortografic fara schimbari de continut al textului. Editia a fost realizata de catre Universitatea Emanuel din Oradea in colaborare cu ITM Romania. In Biblia - editie de studiu Thompson veti descoperi: - 2.000 de subiecte biblice care va vor directiona spre versetele biblice aferente acestora - 100 de studii biblice tematice - 45 de portrete de personaje biblice marcante si o lista cu texte Biblice despre evenimentele semnificative din viata acestora. - 100 de articole cu informatii arheologice actualizate legate de diverse locuri sau asezari biblice. - Alte materiale ajutatoare pentru studiul biblic. - Editia in limba romana cuprinde o concordanta cu 40.000 de Cuvinte (cea mai comprehensiva la ora actuala in limba romana) - 15 harti ale celor mai importante locuri geografice descrise in Biblie

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