
Viata Condusă De Scopuri by Rick Warren / Romanian translation of Purpose-driven Life / What on Earth Am I Here For? / De ce Sunt Pe acest Pământ? / Life Publishers / Paperback 2014

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Product Overview

Viata Condusă De Scopuri by Rick Warren / Romanian translation of Purpose-driven Life / What on Earth Am I Here For? / De ce Sunt Pe acest Pământ? / Life Publishers

Paperback 2014

ISBN: 9789737908803 / 978-9737908803

PAGES: 374


Language: Romanian



Romanian Summary:

Tu nu esti un accident.

Chiar inainte de crearea universului, Dumnezeu te-a avut in minte, si El te-a planificat pentru scopurile Sale.

Aceste scopuri trec cu mult dincolo de cei cativa ani traiti pe acest pamant.

Ai fost facut sa traiesti vesnic!

Deseori cartile de autoperfectionare sugereaza ca pentru a descoperi semnificatia si scopul vietii tale trebuie sa privesti in interiorul tau, dar Rick Warren spune ca acesta este un punct de plecare gresit.

Trebuie sa incepi cu Dumnezeu, Creatorul tau, si cu motivele Sale de-a te crea. Tu ai fost facut de Dumnezeu si pentru Dumnezeu si, atata timp cat nu intelegi acest lucru, viata nu va avea nici un sens.

Aceasta carte te va ajuta sa intelegi de ce ai viata si planul uimitor al lui Dumnezeu pentru tine, atat pentru prezent cat si pentru vesnicie.

Rick Warren te va calauzi intr-o calatorie spirituala personala de 40 de zile, care iti va transforma raspunsul tau la cea mai importanta intrebare a vietii:

De ce sunt pe acest pamant?

Cunoasterea scopurilor pentru care te-a creat Dumnezeu iti va reduce stresul, te va ajuta sa-ti concentrezi energiile, iti va simplifica deciziile, va da sens vietii tale si, lucrul cel mai important, te va pregati pentru vesnicie.

Viata condusa de scopuri este un plan pentru trairea crestina in secolul al 21-lea, un stil de viata bazat pe scopurile eterne ale lui Dumnezeu, nu pe valori culturale. Folosind peste 1.200 de citate si referinte biblice, aceasta pune sub semnul intrebarii definitiile conventionale ale inchinarii, partasiei, ucenicizarii, slujirii si evanghelizarii. in traditia lui Oswald Chambers, Rick Warren ofera intelepciune rafinata despre esenta vietii. Aceasta este o carte a sperantei si provocarii pe care o vei citi si reciti, si va fi o lucrare clasica, pretuita de generatiile viitoare.


  • Autor: Rick Warren
  • Numar Pagini: 349
  • Format: 15 x 22.5 cm
  • Limba: Romana


English Summary:


Translated and printed in the Romanian language. The spiritual premise in The Purpose-Driven Life is that there are no accidents---God planned everything and everyone. Therefore, every human has a divine purpose, according to God's master plan. Like a twist in John F. Kennedy's famous inaugural address, this book could be summed up like this: "So my fellow Christians, ask not what God can do for your life plan, ask what your life can do for God's plan." Those who are looking for advice on finding one's calling through career choice, creative expression, or any form of self-discovery should go elsewhere. This is not about self-exploration; it is about purposeful devotion to Christian God. The book is set up to be a 40-day immersion plan, recognizing that the Bible favors number 40 as a "spiritually significant time," according to author Rick Warren, the founding pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, touted as one of the nation largest congregations. Warren's hope is that readers will "interact" with the 40 chapters, reading them one day at a time, with extensive underlining and writing in the margins. As an inspirational manifesto for creating a more worshipful, church-driven life, this book delivers. Every page is laden with references to scripture or dogma. But it does not do much to address the challenges of modern Christian living, with its competing material, professional, and financial distractions. Nonetheless, this is probably an excellent resource for devout Christians who crave a jumpstart back to worshipfulness. --Gail Hudson



About the Author

Richard Duane Warren (born January 28, 1954) is an American evangelical Christian pastor and author. He is the founder and senior pastor of Saddleback Church, an evangelical megachurch in Lake Forest, California that is the sixth-largest megachurch in the United States (including multi-site churches). He is also a bestselling author of many Christian books, including his guide to church ministry and evangelism, The Purpose Driven Church, which has spawned a series of conferences on Christian ministry and evangelism. He is perhaps best known for the subsequent book The Purpose Driven Life which has sold more than 30 million copies, making Warren a New York Times bestselling author.

Warren holds conservative theological views and traditional evangelical views on social issues such as abortion, same-sex marriage, abstinence-only education over the use of condoms to prevent HIV/AIDS, and embryonic stem-cell research.



Richard Duane "Rick" Warren (n. 28 ianuarie 1954) este un pastor evanghelic american. Este fondatorul unei mega-biserici, numită Saddleback Church, situată în Lake Forest, California.

În numeroasele sale discursuri și cărți scrise își susține punctul de vedere conservator-religios asupra căsătoriei, avortului, relațiilor homosexuale și cercetărilor privind celulele stem.

Susține unirea creștinilor protestanți cu Biserica catolică.








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