Pavlinski Molitvenik
UPC: 9789530035508
"Pavlinski Molitvenik" is a beautifully illustrated Croatian language prayer book by O. Marko Kornelije Glogović, published by Sion in 2006. This hardcover edition serves as a spiritual guide for those seeking to deepen their prayer life and connection to the Pauline tradition, offering a rich tapestry of prayers and reflections from the ancient Pauline Order.
Product Features
- Format: Hardcover
- Pages: 152
- ISBN: 9789530035508 / 978-9530035508
- Publisher: Sion
- Language: Croatian / Hrvatski
Interesting Facts
- The Pauline Order, known as the Order of St. Paul the First Hermit, has its roots in Croatia and Hungary, with a rich history that includes the establishment of approximately thirty monasteries in Croatia before their dissolution in 1786.
- This prayer book is part of a revival of the Pauline spiritual heritage, aiming to introduce more people to the spirituality and mission of the Paulines within the Church.
- The book features two full-color paintings—one on the front cover and another at the end, along with black and white illustrations throughout the text, enhancing the reader's experience and engagement with the prayers.
- The prayers included in this book are intended to help believers retreat into silence and solitude, fostering a deeper relationship with God through prayer and contemplation.
- The title emphasizes the importance of reviving beautiful, old prayers that have been forgotten, encouraging readers to experience God's help through these spiritual practices.
- Published by Sion, this prayer book reflects a commitment to nurturing spiritual growth and making Pauline spirituality accessible to a contemporary audience.
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#PaulinePrayerBook #Croatian #Catholic #PrayerLife #SpiritualHeritage #Molitvenik #OMarkoGlogović #Sion #IllustratedPrayerBook #ChristianDevotion
Title Tags, Meta Description, and Meta Keywords
Title Tag: Pavlinski Molitvenik: Croatian Catholic Prayer Book
Meta Description: Discover "Pavlinski Molitvenik," a beautifully illustrated Croatian prayer book that deepens your prayer life and connects you to Pauline spirituality.
Meta Keywords: buy Pavlinski Molitvenik, Croatian prayer book, Pauline spirituality, illustrated Catholic prayers, online religious texts, prayer life, spiritual resources, ancient prayers, O. Marko Glogović, Sion publisher.
Croatian Translation
"Pavlinski Molitvenik" je lijepo ilustrirani hrvatski molitvenik autora O. Marka Kornelija Glogovića, objavljen od strane Siona 2006. godine. Ova tvrda poveznica služi kao duhovni vodič za one koji žele produbiti svoj molitveni život i povezanost s pavlinskom tradicijom, nudeći bogatstvo molitava i refleksija iz drevnoga Pavlinskog reda.
Zanimljive Činjenice
- Pavlinski Red, poznat kao Red sv. Pavla Prvog Pustinjaka, ima svoje korijene u Hrvatskoj i Mađarskoj, s bogatom poviješću koja uključuje osnivanje otprilike trideset samostana u Hrvatskoj prije njihovog ukinuća 1786. godine.
- Ovaj molitvenik dio je obnove pavlinskog duhovnog naslijeđa, s ciljem da se više ljudi upozna s duhovnošću i misijom Pavlinaca unutar Crkve.
- Knjiga sadrži dva puna bojna slika—jednu na prednjoj korici i drugu na kraju, uz crno-bijele ilustracije unutar teksta, što poboljšava iskustvo čitatelja i angažman s molitvama.
- Molitve uključene u ovu knjigu namijenjene su pomaganju vjernicima u povlačenju u tišinu i samoću, potičući dublju vezu s Bogom kroz molitvu i kontemplaciju.
- Naslov naglašava važnost oživljavanja prekrasnih starih molitava koje su zaboravljene, potičući čitatelje da dožive Božju pomoć kroz ove duhovne prakse.
#PavlinskiMolitvenik #Hrvatski #Katolički #MolitveniŽivot #DuhovnoNaslijeđe #Molitvenik #OMarkoGlogović #Sion #IlustriraniMolitvenik #KršćanskaPobožnost