Illés - Bibliai sorozat gyerekeknek by Melissa Joy Jensen / Hungarian edition of Elijah and Jonah, the Great Prophets / Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali / Egmont Hungary 2010 / Hardcover
Hardcover 2010
ISBN: 9789636294380 / 978-9636294380
ISBN-10: 9636294380
PUBLISHER: Egmont Hungary
LANGUAGE: Hungarian / Magyar
Hungarian Summary:
A Biblia sorozat gyerekeknek átöleli a Biblia csodás történeteit a teremtéstől kezdve Jézus tanításain át egészen az Apostolok cselekedetéig.
English Description:
The Contemporary Bible series covers the most essential stories and teachings of the Bible.
Colorful and dramatically illustrated, the new series gives children an opportunity to experience inspiring accounts from the Bible.
About the Authors:
Melissa Joy Jensen was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1984 and graduated in International Studies from University of Oregon in 2005. She has since developed her extraordinary writing and illustration skills into her own unique style. She currently resides in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Gustavo Mazali is a self-taught illustrator of comics and children's books. He has been drawing since he was a little boy in the 1960s. Gustavo's first inspiration for his amazing illustrations comes from his own children. As well as his talents at illustrating people and children he is equally skilled at creating wonderful animals.