
Hegylakó 2 - A visszatérés DVD 1991 Highlander 2 - The Quickening / Directed by Russell Mulcahy / Starring Christopher Lambert, Sir Sean Connery, Michael Ironside, Virginia Madsen, John C. McGiney

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Product Overview

Hegylakó 2 - A visszatérés DVD 1991 Highlander 2 - The Quickening / Directed by Russell Mulcahy / Starring Christopher Lambert, Sir Sean Connery, Michael Ironside, Virginia Madsen, John C. McGiney

UPC 5999553600865 -IPH7017



AUDIO: English 5.1, Hungarian 5.1

SUBTITLES: Hungarian

Playtime: 90 minutes


English Summary

MacLeod, now a frail old man, expects to eventually die of natural causes. As he watches a performance of Wagner's Götterdämmerung, an image of Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez appears, and induces MacLeod to recall a forgotten event of his past. On the planet Zeist, a last meeting is held between the members of a rebellion against the rule of General Katana. The rebellion's leader, Ramirez, chooses "a man of great destiny" from among them—MacLeod—to carry out a mission against Katana. At this moment, Katana and his troops attack, crushing the rebellion. Katana orders his men to capture Ramirez and MacLeod alive and kill the rest of the rebels. The two captives are put on trial by Zeist's priests, who sentence them to be exiled and reborn on Earth in pursuit of "The Prize." Winning the Prize gives the victor the choice to either grow old and die on Earth, or to return to Zeist.

Hungarian Summary

2024-ben a 75 éves, öregségével megbékélt McLeod, a Hegylakó visszaemlékezik hazájára, a Zeist bolygó lakóira, és arra a pillanatra, amikor 500 évvel ezelőtt barátja és tanítója, Ramirez egy csapat lázadó vezetőjének kiálltja ki őt, és felruházza a gyorsulás őserejével. Katana, Zeist diktátora a Földre száműzte Ramirezt és Mcleodot, ahol mindketten "halhatatlanok" lettek, csak a lefejezés ölheti meg őket. Az, amelyik túléli a másikat megkapja a díjat, azaz a választás jogát, hogy megöregszik-e és meghal a Földön, vagy visszatér a Zeist bolygóra?

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Cast / Szereplők:

  • Christopher Lambert as Connor MacLeod
  • Sean Connery as Juan Sánchez Villa-Lobos Ramírez
  • Virginia Madsen as Louise Marcus
  • Michael Ironside as General Katana
  • Allan Rich as Allan Neyman
  • John C. McGinley as David Blake
  • Philipp Brock as Cabbie
  • Rusty Schwimmer as Drunk
  • Ed Trucco as Jimmy
  • Steven Grives as Hamlet
  • Jimmy Murray as Horatio
  • Pete Antico as Corda
  • Peter Bucossi as Reno


Directed by Russell Mulcahy
Produced by
  • Peter S. Davis
  • William N. Panzer
Screenplay by Peter Bellwood
Story by
  • Brian Clemens
  • William N. Panzer
Based on Characters
by Gregory Widen
  • Christopher Lambert
  • Virginia Madsen
  • Michael Ironside
  • Sean Connery
  • John C. McGinley
  • Allan Rich
Music by Stewart Copeland
Cinematography Phil Meheux
Edited by
  • Hubert de La Bouillerie
  • Anthony Redman
Davis/Panzer Productions
Distributed by Interstar
Release date
  • 12 April 1991 (UK)
  • 1 November 1991 (US)
Running time
90 minutes
Country United States
Language English





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