Croatian Holy Bible - Biblija - Sveto pismo Staroga i Novoga zavjeta
GBV 2016 / Ivan Vrtarić translation with parallel passages
Product Details
- ISBN-10: 3866985932
- ISBN-13: 978-3866985933
- Publisher: Gute Botschaft Verlag
- Publication Date: 2016
- Format: Paperback
- Pages: 1238
- Language: Croatian (Hrvatski)
This comprehensive Croatian Holy Bible, translated by Ivan Vrtarić, presents the complete text of the Old and New Testaments. Featuring parallel passages on the margins, this edition allows readers to easily cross-reference and deepen their understanding of the scriptures.
Vrtarić's translation, renowned for its accuracy and accessibility, captures the timeless wisdom and spiritual depth of the biblical texts. Readers will be immersed in the grand narrative of God's creation, the human condition, and the promise of redemption, as they engage with the foundational stories, teachings, and prophecies that have shaped Christian faith and Western civilization.
This Croatian Bible serves as an invaluable resource for churches, scholars, and individuals seeking to explore the richness of the Scriptures in their native language. The parallel passages provide additional context and facilitate comparative study, making this edition a valuable tool for personal devotion, theological reflection, and spiritual growth.
Ovo opširno hrvatsko Sveto pismo u prijevodu Ivana Vrtarića donosi cjeloviti tekst Staroga i Novoga zavjeta. Uz paralelne odlomke na marginama, ovo izdanje čitateljima omogućuje jednostavno unakrsno upućivanje i produbljivanje razumijevanja svetih spisa.
Vrtarićev prijevod, poznat po svojoj točnosti i pristupačnosti, bilježi neprolaznu mudrost i duhovnu dubinu biblijskih tekstova. Čitatelji će biti uronjeni u veliku pripovijest o Božjem stvaranju, ljudskom stanju i obećanju otkupljenja, dok se bave temeljnim pričama, učenjima i proročanstvima koja su oblikovala kršćansku vjeru i zapadnu civilizaciju.
Ova hrvatska Biblija služi kao neprocjenjiv izvor za crkve, znanstvenike i pojedince koji žele istražiti bogatstvo Svetog pisma na svom materinjem jeziku. Paralelni odlomci pružaju dodatni kontekst i olakšavaju komparativno proučavanje, čineći ovo izdanje vrijednim alatom za osobnu pobožnost, teološko promišljanje i duhovni rast.
Product Specifications
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Gute Botschaft Verlag
- Publication Date: 2016
- Language: Croatian (Hrvatski)
Interesting Facts
- This Croatian Bible features the translation by Ivan Vrtarić, known for its accuracy and accessibility.
- The edition includes parallel passages on the margins, allowing readers to easily cross-reference and deepen their understanding of the scriptures.
- The comprehensive volume presents the complete text of the Old and New Testaments in the Croatian language.