Binecuvântări Pentru Fiecare zi a Anului / Romanian Translation of Blessings Every Day by Carla Barnhill / 365 de rugăciuni simple pentru cei mici / Illustrations by Elena Kucharik / Hardcover / 365-day devotional for Children
Hardcover 2013
ISBN: 978-6068279190 / 9786068279190
ISBN-10: 6068279197
Pages 370
Publisher: Societăţii Biblice Interconfesionale din România
Language: Romanian
Original Title: Blessings Every Day 365 by Carla Barnhill -
Simple Devotions for the Very Young (Tyndale House Publishers)
Romanian Summary:
„Binecuvantari pentru fiecare zi a anului este o aventura vie - o plimbare prin Biblie, de la Geneza la Apocalipsa - in cadrul careia copiii vostri vor descoperi singur cine este Dumnezeu, fagaduintele Sale numeroase, precum si felul in care aceste fagaduinte privesc viata noastra de zi cu zi.” - din Nota pentru parinti
Cartea este copertata, are paginile legate (nu din cele care se dezlipesc in timp), lucioase, fiecarei zi din an ii este alocata o pagina superb ilustrata, foarte atractiva pentru copii.
English Summary:
About the authors:
Elena Kucharik children's illustrator known for her artwork across the entire line of Care Bears items from the 1980s. She was co-creator of that franchise along with Linda Denham. Kucharik is also an illustrator of the Christian children's book series Little Blessings published by Tyndale House.
Kucharik was born in Cleveland, Ohio and received a bachelor's degree of Fine Arts from Kent State University.
Her Care Bears illustrations were the most detailed of all the illustrators who have worked on the franchise. As the lead Care Bears illustrator, Elena worked for American Greetings Corporation, who owns the trademark and her original art.