Armenian Catholic Multi language Prayer book / Preces Sancti Nersetis Clajensis - Aremaniorum Patriarchae / English, Latin, Arabic, Russian, Hungarian, Syriac, Chinese / Hardcover / Venetiis in insula S. Lazari 1862
PAGES: 552
LANGUAGE: Armenian / Multiple language
Armenian Catholic Multi-language prayer book.
Polyglot edition by the Mechitarists of San Lazzaro of 24 prayers of Saint Nerses, with Monitum (in Latin), serially printed in 24 languages [in Roman type except as indicated]: Armenice [Armenian], Graece [Greek], Latine, Italice, Galllice, Hispanice, Germanice [Fraktur], Hollandice, Suetice, Anglice, Hibernice, Russice [Cyrillic], Polonice, Illyrice [Cyrillic], Hungarice, Iberice [Georgian Mkhedruli], Aethiopice [Ethiopic], Turcice [Arabic], Persice [Arabic], Arabice [Arabic], Siriace [Jacobite], Hebraice [unpointed square Hebrew], Chaldaice [Nestorian], Sinice [Chinese]. (An edition in 4 languages had appeared in 1780; other editions in 24 languages in 1818 and 1823)