
A History and Typology of Folk Instruments of Music by József Brauer-Benke / With special regard to the instruments of the Carpathian Basin / HAS Research Centre for the Humanities - Institute for Musicology / Paperback 2018

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Product Overview

A History and Typology of Folk Instruments of Music by József Brauer-Benke / With special regard to the instruments of the Carpathian Basin / HAS Research Centre for the Humanities - Institute for Musicology

Paperback 2018

ISBN: 9786155167126 / 978-6155167126

ISBN-10: 6155167125

PAGES: 421

PUBLISHER: HAS Research Centre for the Humanities - Institute for Musicology



About the Author:

József Brauer-Benke


Születési év:  1970 

Felsőfokú végzettség:

  • okleveles etnográfus, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar, Budapest, 2000

Tudományos fokozat:

  • PhD, történelemtudomány-európai etnológia szakterület, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar, Budapest, 2011

Kutatási terület:

  • magyar, európai és afrikai hangszerek történeti kutatása
  • hangszerikonográfiai és etimológia vizsgálatok
  • múzeumi gyűjtemények tárgymorfológiai vizsgálatai és forráselemzése
  • interetnikus kapcsolatok, hagyomány-hagyományőrzés, népzenészek társadalomnéprajzi vizsgálatai



József Brauer-Benke

Academic degree, university position: PhD visiting lecturer


1995-2000: Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Faculty of Humanities, Department of Ethnography, Budapest; MA thesis: “A Dunántúl hangszerkultúrája” (“The Traditional Musical Instruments of the Trans-Danubian Region”)

1996-1999: ELTE, Department of Cultural Anthropology

1996-2000: ELTE, African Studies Program

2001-2004: ELTE, Faculty of Humanities, Doctoral School of History, Doctoral Program of European Ethnology; PhD dissertation: “Népi hangszereink történeti-néprajzi vizsgálata” (“A Historical Ethnographic Analysis of the Hungarian Folk Musical Instruments”)


English Summary:

The study of folk musical instruments has become a discipline called organology will a combines historical with ethnographic scholarship. This might explain why the history and regional dissemination of various types of folk instruments have been ignored by scholars of traditional music, or examined only superficially. Performers of folk music have been interested in the larger cultural context and genealogy of their instruments, however, their investigations have often been influenced by preconceptions and a strong desire to trace the origins of their instruments back to ancient civilizations.
Some folk musical instruments do indeed have a very long and rich history whose origins can be traced back to ancient times, but these instruments are not the ones that have traditionally been thought to have an ancient past. In the Middle Ages there was no sharp divide between so-called “high” and “low” or “elite” and “popular” cultures, and the concept of a “folk culture” originates from the period between the 18th and 20th centuries. This research explores how most folk musical instruments originated in that period and were then disseminated across the Hungarian-speaking territories. With scholarly rigor, this book offers a comprehensive history of folk musical instruments designed for both academics and general readers.









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