
Serbian Bible / Sveto Pismo Biblija 043 / Blue Hardcover / Свето Писмо старога и новога завјета

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Product Overview

Serbian Bible / Sveto Pismo Biblija 043 / Blue Hardcover

Свето Писмо старога и новога завјета / Danicic-Karadzic translation / Serbian Bible Society

  • Hardcover 1991
  • ASIN: B006I6330Y
  • PAGES: 1080
  • PUBLISHER: UBS / Serbian Bible Society
  • LANGUAGE: Serbian - Srpski - Српски
  • Cyrillic script / Ćirilica 

Printed in 13.000 Copies 

  • Product Dimensions: 9.1 x 6.6 x 1.1 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds 

English Summary:

Blue color Hardcover Serbian Bible. Danicic-Karadzic translation. Cyrillic script


Vuk Stefanović Karadžić was born in 1787 in Tršić and died in January 1864 in Vienna. He was a member of ten international learned societies and academies of sciences, honorary doctor of science, honorary citizen of Zagreb and Poreč, honorary member of several universities and institutes, and holder of three Russian, two Austrian, one Prussian and one Montenegrin orders, as well as other awards.
Much has been written about Vuk's work, life and translation of the New Testament. The translation itself is closely related to Vuk's language reform, so that after the translation of the New Testament, Vuk had more than one enemy: apart from the fact that he was opposed by supporters of the old spelling, the translation was not to the liking of the officials of the Serbian Church or the state. Censorship at the time did not allow printing without the prior consent of church elders, and although Vuk had the consent of one bishop, it was still not enough. That is why the translation has been waiting for publication for 27 years, and in the meantime it has received several reviews from Vuk himself.


"The translations of biblical books bring two great benefits to every nation. The first is that the people know the teaching of Christ better, and are better established in the faith of Christ, and the second is that the Holy Scripture is the Book of books, so with its importance it creates literature where there is none, or where it finds it, it gives it a new life. First, it can be witnessed that the Gentiles are converted to the faith of Christ through the translation of the Holy Scriptures, as is the case today



Serbian Summary:

Vuk Stefanović Karadžić se rodio 1787. godine u Tršiću, a umro je januara 1864. godine u Beču. Bio je član deset međunarodnih učenih društava i akademija nauka, počasni doktor nauka, počasni građanin Zagreba i Poreča, počasni član više univerziteta i instituta, i nosilac tri ruska, dva austrijska, jednog pruskog i jednog crnogo­rskog ordena, kao i drugih priznanja.
O Vukovom radu, životu i prevodu Novoga zaveta mnogo je pisano. Sam prevod usko je povezan sa Vukovom jezičkom reformom, tako da je Vuk posle prevođenja Novoga zaveta imao više od jednog neprijatelja: osim što su mu se suprotstav­ljali pobornici staroga pravopisa, prevod nije bio po volji ni dostojnicima Srp­­ske crkve ni države. Tadašnja cen­zura ni­je dopuštala štampanje bez prethodne saglasnosti crk­ve­nih starešina, i mada je Vuk imao saglasnost jednog epi­skopa, to ipak nije bilo dovolj­no. Zato je prevod čekao na izdavanje punih 27 godina, a u međuvremenu je doživeo nekoliko recenzija od strane samoga Vuka.

“Prevodi biblijskih knjiga donose dva velika dobra svakome narodu. Prvo je što narod bolje poznaje nauku Hristovu, te se bolje utvrđuje u veri Hristovoj, a drugo što je Sveto pismo Knjiga nad knjigama, pa tom svojom važnosti stvara književnost gde je nema, ili gde je zatekne daje joj novi život. Prvo se može posvedočiti s tim što se i neznabošci obraćaju na veru Hristovu prevodom Svetoga pisma, kao što i današnji dan biva









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