The Divine Conquest by STL Books Bromley, Kent / Kingsway Publications Eastbourne
UPC: 086065687X
- Publisher : Christian Publications, Inc. (January 1, 1950)
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 086065687X
- ISBN-13 : 9780860656876
A. W. Tozer died in 1963, but his life and spiritual legacy continue to draw many into a deeper knowledge of God. During his lifetime, Tozer pastored several Christian and Missionary Alliance churches. Missions and the deeper life in Christ were his primary focus. He also served as editor of the Alliance Life. Tozer authored more than 40 books, (at least two of which are considered classics: The Pursuit of God and Knowledge of the Holy), a tremendous accomplishment for a man who never received a formal theological education. The presence of God was his classroom, his notebooks and tools consisted of prayer, God's Word, and the writings of early Christians and theologians, the Puritans, and great men of faith
The experiences of men who walked with God teach that the Lord cannot fully bless a man until He has first conquered him. Only the conquered can know true blessedness. Every century needs its prophetic voices. Those men who have been gifted by God with an incisive cutting edge to expose hypocrisy, denounce compromise, and call for holiness. One such man was A. W. Tozer. Tozer has the ability to highlight the inadequacy of so much of our spiritual experience. He probes the depths of where we should be with God and focuses our attention on where we have so drastically failed to come up to the radical expectations of the King of kings. Some men live their lives and pass on to be a fading memory, for they spoke to their time and no more. The words of A. W. Tozer come ever more fresh, vivid and contemporary. For his ministry I will always be grateful.