New Gaelic Gospel of John (Scots Gaelic Language Edition) - Soisgeul Eòin
The New Gaelic Gospel of John (Scots Gaelic Edition), titled Soisgeul Eòin, offers a fresh translation of the Gospel of John in the Scottish Gaelic language. This 104-page paperback edition, published by The Scottish Bible Society in 2010, makes the timeless message of the Gospel accessible to Gaelic-speaking readers. It is a valuable resource for those seeking to deepen their faith and engage with the Bible in their native language. With a handy A6 size, it's perfect for carrying in your pocket or handbag. The booklet includes a foreword and a glossary of key terms and names for added understanding.
Scottish Gaelic:
Tha Soisgeul Eòin (New Gaelic Gospel of John) a' tabhann eadar-theangachadh ùr de Soisgeul Eòin anns a' Ghàidhlig Albannaich. Tha an deasachadh pàipearachd seo le 104 duilleagan air a leigeil a-mach le Bàrdachd Bhìoball na h-Alba ann an 2010 agus tha e a' toirt teachd a-steach teachd-tòiseachaidh an Tiomnadh Nuadh gu luchd-leughaidh a tha a' bruidhinn na Gàidhlig. 'S e goireas luachmhor a tha seo dhaibhsan a tha ag iarraidh fàs ann an creideamh agus a' feuchainn ris a' Bhìoball a thuigsinn anns a' chànan dùthchasach aca. Le a sheòrsa A6, tha e furasta a ghiùlan anns a' phòcaid no pochette làimhe. Tha am brochùr a' toirt a-steach ro-ràdh agus glosaireachd de fhrasan cudromach agus ainmearan airson barrachd tuigse.
Product Features
- Format: Paperback
- Pages: 104
- Publisher: The Scottish Bible Society
- Release Date: November 5, 2010
- Language: Scottish Gaelic
- ISBN-10: 0901518697
- ISBN-13: 978-0901518699
- Printed Copies: 5,000 copies printed
- Size: A6 (ideal for pocket or handbag)
- Included: Foreword and glossary of key terms and names
Interesting Facts
- This edition is one of the most recent translations of the Gospel of John in Scottish Gaelic, offering a contemporary and accurate rendering of the text.
- The Gospel of John in Gaelic is an excellent resource for both native speakers and learners of the language, providing access to the Scripture in an indigenous Celtic tongue.
- The translation was published in 2010 by the Scottish Bible Society and printed in a limited run of 5,000 copies, making it a special collector's edition.
- The inclusion of a glossary helps readers understand key terms and names, enhancing their reading experience and comprehension.
Scottish Gaelic:
- 'S e aon de na h-eadar-theangachaidhean as ùire de Soisgeul Eòin ann an Gàidhlig Albannaich, a' toirt seachad eadar-theangachadh ùr agus ceart den teacs.
- Tha Soisgeul Eòin ann an Gàidhlig na Gàidhealtachd na ghoireas sàr-mhath airson luchd-bruidhinn nàdarra agus luchd-ionnsachaidh na cànain, a' toirt cothrom air na Scrìobhadairean ann an cànan Cailteanach dùthchasach.
- Chaidh an eadar-theangachadh seo fhoillseachadh ann an 2010 le Bàrdachd Bhìoball na h-Alba agus chaidh a chlò-bhualadh ann an cuibhreann cuibhrichte de 5,000 lethbhric, ga fhàgail mar sheòrsa cruinneachaidh sònraichte.
- Tha an glosaireachd a' toirt cuideachadh do luchd-leughaidh le bhith a' tuigsinn na faclan cudromach agus ainmearan, agus a' leasachadh eòlas agus tuigse air a' Bhìoball.
Feedback Section
"Your feedback is important! Let us know how Soisgeul Eòin has impacted your faith and reading of the Scriptures in Gaelic."
Scottish Gaelic:
"Tha do bheachd cudromach! Inns dhuinn ciamar a tha Soisgeul Eòin air buaidh a thoirt air do chreideamh agus do leughadh de na Scrìobhadairean ann an Gàidhlig."
#GaelicGospel #SoisgeulEòin #ScottishBibleSociety #ScotsGaelic #GospelOfJohn #CelticFaith #FaithInGaelic #ScottishCulture #GaelicScripture #Gàidhlig
Scottish Gaelic:
#GaelicGospel #SoisgeulEòin #BàrdachdBhìoball #GàidhligAlba #SoisgeulEòin #CreideamhCailteach #CreideamhAnnAnGàidhlig #CultarAlbanach #ScriptureAnnAnGàidhlig #Gàidhlig

Scottish Gaelic | |
Gàidhlig | |
Pronunciation | [ˈkaːlikʲ] |
Native to | United Kingdom Canada |
Region | Scotland; Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia in Canada |
Ethnicity | Scottish people |
Native speakers
57,000 fluent L1 and L2 speakers in Scotland (2011)[1] 87,000 people in Scotland reported having some Gaelic language ability in 2011.[1] |
Early forms
Scottish Gaelic orthography (Latin script) | |
Official status | |
Recognised minority
language in |
Language codes | |
ISO 639-1 | gd |
ISO 639-2 | gla |
ISO 639-3 | gla |
Glottolog | scot1245 [2] |
Linguasphere | 50-AAA |
![]() 1891 distribution of English and Gaelic in Scotland
![]() 2001 distribution of Gaelic speakers in Scotland