
Az örök reformáció by Lajos Csia - Eternal reformation / The reformation that has begun must be continued...

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 Az örök reformáció by Lajos Csia - Eternal reformation / The reformation that has begun must be continued...



ISBN: 9789637673177 / 978-9637673177

ISBN-10: 9637673172 




About the Author:

Lajos Csia was born on 18th February 1887 in Királyháza (Ugocsa, etc.). He completed his elementary school in Nyíregyháza, Debrecen and Budapest. He completed his high school studies at the Reformed High School in Budapest. Lajos Csia was converted in the last year of high school, and, as God called, he chose the pastoral career.

He completed his theological studies until 1905-1909. Auxiliary pastoral exam on September 15, 1909, with a priestly test on September 13, 1911. In 1911-12, he was an assistant pastor at Marosvásárhely, Deva, Pécs, Érsekcsanád and Siklós. In addition, from 1925 he also carried out a street and prison mission.

His most important work is the New Testament translation. During his translator's work, he translated the entire Bible, but only completed the New Covenant so that it could be printed. He is the only one of the Bible translators who has correctly and consistently translated the concept of body, soul and spirit in Hungarian. Another great result of his theoretical work is the explanation of the Book of Revelation.

He collected his students for a while in his apartment in Albertfalva. His apartment was open to everyone. Someone said: “The home of Lajos Csia was Noah's ark and everyone was accepted. Those who sat next to each other did not know about each other, who was Calvinist, Catholic, Jewish, or free christian. We lived in a completely free, unbiased brotherhood. The thirst for the Word of God was the same in all of us. ”

Lajos Csia never demanded priestly authority for himself. He would never have a black buttoned priest vest because he wanted to be like a member of his congregation outside.

In 1959, Lajos moved to Pestimre. In the seventies of his life he was attacked several times by serious illness. In January 1962 he suffered another serious illness, went to hospital and died on February 4 at the age of 75.

Hungarian Summary:

 „Csia Lajos sokoldalú és maradandó értékű teológiai munkái közül 1994-ben jelent meg a Bibliai lélektan. Művei közül talán a legjelentősebb – Az örök reformáció – , melyet most tart a kezében! "Kinek csak regényt van türelme olvasni, tegye le ezt a könyvet. Ki az igazságért fáradni, küzdeni, szenvedni kész, küzdjön meg e könyvvel, melynek tartalma verejték, harc és könnyek gyümölcse.” – így ajánlja könyvét a szerző. 
A reformáció gondolatát általánban a XVI. században végrehajtott reformáció óta leszűkítették az ettől az időtől számított evangéliumi mozgalmakra, ébredési irányzatokra. Csia Lajos ezzel szemben a reformáció, tehát a lelki-szellemi megújulás és megújítás bibliai üzenetét hozza napfényre. A teljes Szentírás minden alapvető üzenete mind az egyén, mind a hívők közössége, az egyház teljes megújítását kívánja. A szerző ebben ad nagy segítséget a mai embernek is! 
Kovács Bálint ny. református lelkész"

English Summary:

Lajos Csia brings the Biblical message of the Reformation, that is, spiritual renewal and revival to the individual and to the community of believers, the Church. The reformation that has begun must be continued.


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