
Return of the Condor Heroes Volume 6 by Jin Yong, Huang Zhanming / Chinese Comic / 神鵰俠侶(漫畫版)06 / Asiapac Books / Paperback 1997

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Product Overview

Return of the Condor Heroes Volume 6 by Jin Yong, Huang Zhanming / Chinese Comic / 神鵰俠侶(漫畫版)06 / Asiapac Books / Paperback 1997

Paperback 1997

ISBN-10: 9813068191

ISBN: 9789813068193  / 978-9813068193

PAGES: 145


LANGUAGE: Chinese (Mandarin)


Chinese Summary:

漫畫本神鵰俠侶  話說楊過、陸無雙與程英受到李莫愁的追殺,三人決定攜手共度難關;就在危急之際,黃藥師和傻姑即時出現,逼退了李莫愁;之後黃藥師傳授了楊過「彈指神通」及「玉簫神劍」功夫,隨即飄然而去。  楊過一行人在馮記鐵鋪裡又遇上李莫愁,幸得馮默風協助而化險危夷。就在此時,楊過從傻姑口中認定郭靖黃蓉為殺父仇人,乃與金輪法王盡釋前嫌,一心復仇。  在蒙古軍營中,楊過巧遇老頑童前來搗亂,一行人被引至絕情谷,得知谷主大婚的消息,新娘竟是楊過朝思暮盼、苦心尋找的小龍女......


English Summary:

The Return of the Condor Heroes, also called The Giant Eagle and Its Companion, is a wuxia novel by Jin Yong (Louis Cha). It is the second part of the Condor Trilogy and was preceded by The Legend of the Condor Heroes and followed by The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber. It was first serialised between 20 May 1959 and 5 July 1961 in the Hong Kong newspaper Ming Pao.

The story revolves around the protagonist, Yang Guo, and his lover and martial arts master, Xiaolongnü, in their adventures in the jianghu (also called the wulin, the community of martial artists), where love between master and apprentice is seen as taboo. Jin Yong revised the novel in 1970 and again in 2004. There are 40 chapters in the second and third revisions. Each chapter has a title composed of four Chinese characters. Most of the revisions are either clarifications or minor alterations of character motivations or names. The Chinese title of the novel translates to The Heroic Couple of the Divine Eagle.

Return of the Condor Heroes Volume 6 by Jin Yong Huang Zhanming 1

Return of the Condor Heroes Volume 6 by Jin Yong Huang Zhanming 1

Return of the Condor Heroes Volume 6 by Jin Yong Huang Zhanming 1

Return of the Condor Heroes Volume 6 by Jin Yong Huang Zhanming 1


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