
Nursery School, Here I come! by Éva Janikovszky / English translation of Már óvodás vagyok / Illustrated by László Réber / Móra Publishing house 2012 / 2nd edition

Móra Könyvkiadó

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Product Overview

Nursery School, Here I come! by Éva Janikovszky / English translation of Már óvodás vagyok / Illustrated by László Réber / Móra Publishing house 2012 / 2nd edition


ISBN: 9789631190861  / 978-9631190861

ISBN-10: 9631190862


PUBLISHER: Móra Publishing House

LANGUAGE: English / Angol

Translated by Andrew C. Rouse


About the Author:

Éva Janikovszky was a Hungarian writer. She wrote novels for both children and adults, but she is primarily known for her children's books, translated into 35 languages. Her first book was published in 1957. Among her most famous picture books are If I Were a Grown-Up and Who Does This Kid Take After?


English Summary:

"When Danny first went to nursery school he was really happy that he was going to nursery school, he just wasn1t too happy about having to stay there."
Because that's how it goes: people are happy, and then they aren't. And it's just the same if the person happens to be small.
After all, it's a great thing rank and respect! to reach nursery-school age.
On the other hand: there's no mummy, only a nursery-school teacher in a place you don't know amongst children you
don't know. And you can't run back home.
Well, that's how it starts. But luckily "nursery-school consciousness" prevails in the little group, and with that begins nursery school life, with its little everyday happenings, joys and tensions.
The jollity and wisdom in Éva Janikovszky's book, which displays such a depth of knowledge of children and which has appeared in so many languages, is complemented by the sunny, colourful illustrations of László Réber.

Hungarian Summary:

Amikor Dani először ment óvodába, nagyon örült annak, hogy már óvodába mehet, csak még annak nem tudott eléggé örülni, hogy ott is kell maradni. Mert így van ez, hogy az ember örül is meg nem is. Akkor is így van, ha az ember történetesen még kicsi. Hiszen nagyszerű dolog az - rang és tisztesség! -, hogy valaki már óvodás! Viszont mégiscsak: nincs ott Anyu, csak az óvó néni, idegen a hely, idegenek a gyerekek, és nem lehet hazaszaladni. Hát így kezdődik.

De szerencsére felülkerekedik a kiscsoportosban is az óvodásöntudat - és ezzel elkezdődik az óvodai élet, a maga mindennapi kis történéseivel, örömeivel és szorongásaival. Janikovszky Éva vidám, okos, nagy gyermekismeretre valló könyvét - amely számos külföldi kiadást is megért - Réber László derűs, színes illusztrációi egészítik ki.






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