

Bible In Many Languages. Bible In My Language. BIML.

Welcome to our ever-expanding selection of Bibles. A collection of Bibles from every corner of the world, from everyday languages such as English and German, the myriad of languages from Africa, to remote the Artics, until the tiny little islands off Oceania. Tonga and Muyuw language, for example. (no South Pole Bibles yet, sorry)

We group our Bibles according to geographical regions. But, as time passed, we realized one criteria doesn't fit all. It's a big world, everyone's unique.

We pray, that we can continue to improve our sorting so that you can have a more pleasant browsing experience, and that you have a pleasant browsing experience.

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  • 圣经 - 神版(导读本) | The Holy Bible - Shen Version (Study Edition) (010209-5098) 圣经 - 神版(导读本) | The Holy Bible - Shen Version (Study Edition) (010209-5098)
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    Chinese Note Taker Bible / 圣经 - 神版(导读本) | The Holy Bible - Shen Version (Study Edition)

    Chinese Note Taker Bible / 圣经 - 神版(导读本) | The Holy Bible - Shen Version (Study Edition) UPC: 010209-5098 This is one of the first and now best-selling note-taking and wide margin style Chinese bibles! Printed in China  Pages...
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  • 圣经 - 简体中文版(上帝版) | The Holy Bible - Simplified Chinese Edition (ShangDi Version) (0104054—S040) 圣经 - 简体中文版(上帝版) | The Holy Bible - Simplified Chinese Edition (ShangDi Version) (0104054—S040)
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    Large Print Chines Bible / 圣经 - 简体中文版(上帝版) | The Holy Bible - Simplified Chinese Edition (ShangDi Version)

    Large Print Chines Bible / 圣经 - 简体中文版(上帝版) | The Holy Bible - Simplified Chinese Edition (ShangDi Version) UPC: 0104054—S040  Printed in China     概述 |...
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  • 精彩的《圣经导读本》描述 | Inspiring Bible Study Edition (0102034-5098) 精彩的《圣经导读本》描述 | Inspiring Bible Study Edition (0102034-5098)
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    Chinese Note Taker Bible / 精彩的《圣经导读本》描述 | Inspiring Bible Study Edition

    Chinese Note Taker Bible / 精彩的《圣经导读本》描述 | Inspiring Bible Study Edition     This is one of the first and now best-selling note-taking and wide margin style Chinese bibles! UPC: 0102034-5098  Printed in China  Pages...
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  • SOERA NI'AMONI'O: The Bible in Nias Language SOERA NI'AMONI'O: Alkitab dalam Bahasa Nias (9789794637517) SOERA NI'AMONI'O: The Bible in Nias Language SOERA NI'AMONI'O: Alkitab dalam Bahasa Nias (9789794637517)
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    SOERA NI'AMONI'O: The Bible in Nias Language SOERA NI'AMONI'O: Alkitab dalam Bahasa Nias

    SOERA NI'AMONI'O: The Bible in Nias Language SOERA NI'AMONI'O: Alkitab dalam Bahasa Nias ISBN / UPC: 9789794637517    Nias Language Bible / SOERA NI'AMONI'O / Formal Translation Alkitab 062TI Nias / The Nias language is an...
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  • Bible - The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments | Biblia - Pismo Święte Starego i Nowego Testamentu (978-8385260165) Bible - The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments | Biblia - Pismo Święte Starego i Nowego Testamentu (978-8385260165)
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    Bible - The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments | Biblia - Pismo Święte Starego i Nowego Testamentu

    Bible - The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments Biblia - Pismo Święte Starego i Nowego Testamentu ISBN / UPC: 9788385260165 (hardcover)   Overview Experience the sacred words of the Holy Scripture with this comprehensive...
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  • พระคริสตธรรมคัมภีร์ – The Holy Bible (Thai Standard Version) (9786163391650) พระคริสตธรรมคัมภีร์ – The Holy Bible (Thai Standard Version) (9786163391650)
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    พระคริสตธรรมคัมภีร์ – The Holy Bible (Thai Standard Version)

    พระคริสตธรรมคัมภีร์ – The Holy Bible (Thai Standard Version) ISBN / UPC: 9786163391650 / 978-6163391650 Overview (English) The "Holy Bible – Thai Standard Version" is a comprehensive and authoritative translation of the Bible in...
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  • Dhjata e Re, Psalmet dhe Fjalët e Urta (New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs) – Albanian Bible Society (9789928447173) Dhjata e Re, Psalmet dhe Fjalët e Urta (New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs) – Albanian Bible Society (9789928447173)
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    Dhjata e Re, Psalmet dhe Fjalët e Urta (New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs) – Albanian Bible Society

    Dhjata e Re, Psalmet dhe Fjalët e Urta (New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs) – Albanian Bible Society ISBN: 978-9928447173   Overview The Dhjata e Re, Psalmet dhe Fjalët e Urta (New Testament, Psalms, and...
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  • Holy Scriptures Swedish translation | Bibeln – Svenska Folkbibeln 2015 (9789198468603) Holy Scriptures Swedish translation | Bibeln – Svenska Folkbibeln 2015 (9789198468603)
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    Holy Scriptures Swedish translation | Bibeln – Svenska Folkbibeln 2015

    Holy Scriptures Swedish translation Bibeln – Svenska Folkbibeln 2015  ISBN: 9789198325058 / 978-9198325058   Overview The Bibeln – Svenska Folkbibeln 2015 is a modern and faithful Swedish translation of the...
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  • Bijbel – Heilige Schrift | Dutch Translation (BijbelHeiligeSchrift) Bijbel – Heilige Schrift | Dutch Translation (BijbelHeiligeSchrift)
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    Bijbel – Heilige Schrift | Dutch Bible

    Bijbel – Heilige Schrift | Dutch Bible Translation   Overview The Bijbel (Bible) is a revered and foundational text for Christians, presenting the Word of God as revealed through His Holy Scriptures. This edition includes profound...
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  • Nya Testamentet och Psaltaren (New Testament and Psalms) – Svenska Folkbibeln 2014 (9789186683573) Nya Testamentet och Psaltaren (New Testament and Psalms) – Svenska Folkbibeln 2014 (9789186683573)
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    Nya Testamentet och Psaltaren (Swedish New Testament and Psalms) – Svenska Folkbibeln 2014

    Nya Testamentet och Psaltaren (Swedish New Testament and Psalms) – Svenska Folkbibeln 2014   Svenska Folkbibeln 2014 : NT & Psaltaren (miniformat) ISBN / UPC: 9789186683573   Overview The Nya Testamentet och...
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  • The New Testament in Demotic – Greek Translation | Η Καινή Διαθήκη στη Δημοτική (GNT1052010) The New Testament in Demotic – Greek Translation | Η Καινή Διαθήκη στη Δημοτική (GNT1052010)
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    The New Testament in Demotic – Greek Translation | Η Καινή Διαθήκη στη Δημοτική

    The New Testament in Demotic – Greek Translation Η Καινή Διαθήκη στη Δημοτική Greek New Testament   Overview This New...
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  • Bayibuli - Ekigambo Kya Katonda (The Bible in Modern Luganda) (9783438086921) Bayibuli - Ekigambo Kya Katonda (The Bible in Modern Luganda) (9783438086921)
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    Bayibuli - Ekigambo Kya Katonda (The Bible in Modern Luganda)

    Bayibuli - Ekigambo Kya Katonda (The Bible in Modern Luganda) UPC: 978-3438086921 / 9783438086921   Overview The Bayibuli (Bible) in modern Luganda offers the Word of God in a language close to the hearts of millions of...
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