
A maradék Isten házáért + Dávid sátora by John Saunders - A Remnant for the House - The Tabernacle of David / He described the books as a chronicle of revelation from the Lord, which he had gained throughout his life

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Product Overview

A maradék Isten házáért + Dávid sátora by John Saunders - Hungarian translation of A Remnant for the House - The Tabernacle of David /  He described the books as a chronicle of revelation from the Lord, which he had gained throughout his life



ISBN: 978963943437X, 978-963943437X




About the Author:

John Saunders was an extraordinary man who loved and followed the Lord Jesus Christ with a passion. The nine "Modern Parables" follow below this. The most popular one is "The Tiger Is Dead," but you will want to have the set at our reasonable price for nine books. His books have been translated into Romanian, Korean and Japanese. He described the books as a chronicle of revelation from the Lord, which he had gained throughout his life. The sole purpose of these books is for others to know that same fellowship and passion for the Lord. John wrote and published all of his books at about the same time. Not long after that came his untimely death. The shortness of John’s life has not given John’s books the audience they deserve. The titles are:

The Tiger Is Dead; The Guardians of the Ark; A Heart for the Stretch; The City of God; The God of Preparation; Kings Unto God; The Tabernacle of David; A Remnant for the House; and The House of God.

Hungarian Summary:

A maradék Isten házáért című történet azokról a zsidókról szól, akik visszatértek Babilonból Jeruzsálembe. Allegória, amelynek az a szándéka, hogy felindítson hívőket, akik szent elégedetlenséget éreznek és vágynak arra, hogy átéljék Jézus Krisztus gyülekezetének helyreállítását. A Dávid sátora kombinálja a történetmondást és a bibliamagyarázatot. Bemutatja a Gyülekezet mennyei természetét, és megvilágítja azt a romlást, amely a bukott ember vallásos ténykedésének következménye. 

English Summary:

The author of A Remnant for the House, John Saunders, uses stories from the history of the Jews to present God's call for a remnant of his people to come out of traditional religion.

In The Tabernacle of David, the author shows Scriptures that lead him to equate the Tabernacle of David with the Gentile church. He then follows foreshadowings of the church, and finishes with a challenge to Christians and to Christian workers.


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