A kéményseprő zsiráfok by Móra Ferenc / Illustrated by Reich Károly rajzaival / Móra könyvkiadó 2012 / Hardcover / Chimney Sweep Giraffees
Hardcover 2012
ISBN: 9789631192476 / 978-9631192476
ISBN-10: 9631192474
PUBLISHER: Móra könyvkiadó
LANGUAGE: Hungarian / Magyar
Hungarian Description:
Gyerekek, hallottátok-e már hírét a marabuvárnak? Rá ne mondjátok, hogy hallottátok, mert én akkor mindjárt azt kívánom, hogy mutassátok meg ezt a híres várat a térképen. Ott pedig nem mutatjátok meg, ha holnap ilyenkorig keresitek is.
Marabuvár nem a térképen van, hanem az Állatkertben. Ott az is meglátja, aki nem keresi. Én se kerestem, mégis messziről megláttam a hegyes tetejű marabupalotákat.
Móra Ferenc / Ferenc Móra was born in Kiskunfélegyháza, into a financially poor family. His father Márton Móra was a tailor, and his mother Anna Juhász was a baker. He acquired his formal education under the most extreme hardships because of the financial poverty of his family. At the Budapest University he earned the degree of Geography and History education but worked as a teacher only for one year at Felsőlövő, Vas county. He was a prominent figure of youth literature in Hungary. His parallel career of museology started in 1904 at the combined library and museum of Szeged serving the county capital of Szeged and its surrounding Csongrád county. He was appointed as the director of the combined library and museum of Szeged and Csongrád county in 1917 and served in that post as director until 1934, when he died, aged 54, at Szeged. Today the museum is named in his honor as the "Móra Ferenc Muzeum" which can be seen on the internet at many websites Ferenc Móra (19 July 1879 – 8 February 1934) was a Hungarian novelist, journalist, and museologist.