Western Guizhou Yi-Neasu – Chinese New Testament
Sy Su Chu Hiil / Neat Mba Sha Mba / The Neasu Yi nationality number about 500,000 people in Western Guizhou, China
Product Features
- 1st Edition
- 808 Pages
- Vinyl Bound
- Published in 2018
- Dimensions: 18.80 cm X 13.00 cm
- Weight: 342.00 g
- ISBN: 9783957760920 / 978-3957760920
- Publisher: Verlag für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft
This edition of the New Testament is the first portion of the Holy Scriptures ever translated into the Neasu language, spoken by the Neasu (Yi nationality) people who number about 500,000 in Western Guizhou, China. The Neasu share their region with the Ahmao people (Miao nationality), who publicly embraced Christianity a century ago. However, the Neasu people's conversion and faith journey remained lesser known until the release of this translation in 2018, exactly 100 years after the Ahmao New Testament.
The Neasu translation is based on the Greek New Testament and various Chinese translations. It includes many biblical keywords that have been informally used by Neasu churches for a long time. A new Romanized script was created specifically for this translation since the Neasu language was previously only oral. At the end of the book, a foldable syllabary provides an introduction to the new writing system. This edition is arranged in parallel with the text of the Chinese Union Version of 1919.
Interesting Facts
- Historical Significance: This is the first portion of the Holy Scriptures ever translated into the Neasu language, highlighting the Neasu community's rich yet underrepresented Christian history.
- Romanized Script: A new Romanized script was developed for this translation, making it a significant linguistic milestone for the Neasu language, previously unwritten.
- Cultural Insight: The Neasu share their region with the Ahmao people, who have had a translated New Testament for over a century, reflecting different phases of Christianization within the same geographical area.
- Dual Text: The book features a parallel layout with the Chinese Union Version of 1919, allowing for comparative reading and study.
Verlag für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft
This publisher is renowned for its focus on theological and religious studies, providing a broad range of scholarly and liturgical works.
#NeasuNewTestament #YiNationalityBible #ChineseScriptures #RomanizedScript #BibleTranslation #ChristianHistory #VerlagFurTheologieUndReligionswissenschaft #CulturalLinguistics
- 历史意义:这是第一部以纳苏语言翻译的圣经,凸显了纳苏社区丰富但鲜为人知的基督教历史。
- 罗马字母拼音:为此次翻译专门开发了新的罗马字母拼音,这是纳苏语言从未有过的书写里程碑。
- 文化洞见:纳苏族与阿苗族同处一地,后者已有一个世纪的《新约》译本,反映了同一地区内不同的基督教化阶段。
- 双文本:该书与1919年版的《和合本》中文圣经并列排版,便于对比阅读和研究。
#纳苏新约 #彝族圣经 #中文圣经 #罗马字母拼音 #圣经翻译 #基督教历史 #神学与宗教学出版社 #文化语言学