
Gypsy Gospel of Matthew with Study notes / Lovári Cigány Máte Evangéliuma magyarázattal

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Gypsy Gospel of Matthew with Study notes / Lovári Cigány Máte Evangéliuma magyarázattal

O Svunto Evandyeliomo Sar O Mathe Ramosardya Les / Translator: Choli Daroczi Jozsef - Pej Romanyi Shib Boldas Les

Lashardasla: Dr.Solya Miklos


This unique publication presents the Gospel of Matthew in the Lovári Romani language, with study notes and commentary. The Romani text is translated by Choli Daroczi Jozsef, a renowned Romani scholar, and the study notes are provided by Dr. Solya Miklos.

The Gypsy Gospel of Matthew offers a valuable resource for Romani communities, providing access to the biblical text in their native language, along with insightful commentary to deepen their understanding of the gospel message.

Product Features

  • Paperback
  • 164 pages
  • Publisher: Bible Society (1991) Szent Istvan Tarsulat
  • ISBN-10: 9633605105
  • ISBN-13: 978-9633605103

Interesting Facts

  • The Lovári Romani language is one of the major Romani dialects, spoken by Romani communities across Europe.
  • Choli Daroczi Jozsef is a respected Romani linguist and translator, known for his work in preserving and promoting the Romani language.
  • Dr. Solya Miklos, the author of the study notes, is a renowned scholar who has dedicated his career to the study of Romani culture and language.
  • This publication aims to bridge the gap between the biblical text and the Romani community, empowering them to engage with the gospel message in their own language.


This Gypsy Gospel of Matthew is published by the Bible Society and Szent Istvan Tarsulat.

#RomaniLanguage #RomaniCulture #GospelofMatthew #ChristianLiterature #BiblicalStudies


Mae'r cyhoeddiad unigryw hwn yn cyflwyno'r Efengyl yn ôl Mathew yn iaith Romaní Lovári, gyda nodiadau astudio a chyhoeddiadau. Mae'r testun Romaní wedi'i gyfieithu gan Choli Daroczi Jozsef, ysgolhaig Romaní enwog, a darperir y nodiadau astudio gan Dr. Solya Miklos.

Mae Efengyl y Sipsiwn yn ôl Mathew yn cynnig adnodd gwerthfawr i gymunedau Romaní, gan ddarparu mynediad at y testun beiblaidd yn eu hiaith frodorol, ynghyd â sylwadau treiddgar i ddyfnhau eu dealltwriaeth o'r neges efengyl.

Nodweddion Cynnyrch

  • Clawr meddal
  • 164 tudalen
  • Cyhoeddwr: Cymdeithas y Beibl (1991) Szent Istvan Tarsulat
  • ISBN-10: 9633605105
  • ISBN-13: 978-9633605103

Ffeithiau Diddorol

  • Mae iaith Romaní Lovári yn un o'r prif ddialeictau Romaní, a siaredir gan gymunedau Romaní ledled Ewrop.
  • Mae Choli Daroczi Jozsef yn ieithydd a chyfieithydd Romaní parchus, adnabyddus am ei waith i gadw a hyrwyddo'r iaith Romaní.
  • Mae Dr. Solya Miklos, awdur y nodiadau astudio, yn ysgolhaig enwog sydd wedi ymroi ei yrfa i astudio diwylliant a'r iaith Romaní.
  • Nod y cyhoeddiad hwn yw pontio'r bwlch rhwng y testun beiblaidd a'r gymuned Romaní, gan eu grymuso i ymgysylltu â'r neges efengyl yn eu hiaith eu hunain.


Cyhoeddir yr Efengyl yn ôl Mathew i'r Sipsiwn gan Gymdeithas y Beibl a Szent Istvan Tarsulat.

#IaithRomaní #DiwylliantRomaní #EfengylMatthew #LlenyddiethGristnogol #AstudiaethauBeiblaidd*1ycxluj*_ga*MjAyOTE0ODY1OS4xNTkyNDY2ODc5*_ga_WS2VZYPC6G*MTY3MjE2NDc3Ny4yNTUwLjEuMTY3MjE3ODUzMC42MC4wLjA.*1me4eth*_ga*MjAyOTE0ODY1OS4xNTkyNDY2ODc5*_ga_WS2VZYPC6G*MTY3MjE2NDc3Ny4yNTUwLjEuMTY3MjE3ODUzMC42MC4wLjA.*1ycxluj*_ga*MjAyOTE0ODY1OS4xNTkyNDY2ODc5*_ga_WS2VZYPC6G*MTY3MjE2NDc3Ny4yNTUwLjEuMTY3MjE3ODUzMC42MC4wLjA.*1me4eth*_ga*MjAyOTE0ODY1OS4xNTkyNDY2ODc5*_ga_WS2VZYPC6G*MTY3MjE2NDc3Ny4yNTUwLjEuMTY3MjE3ODUzMC42MC4wLjA.

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