
Uzbek New Testament / Mukkadas Kitap / Compact Small size [Paperback]

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Uzbek New Testament | Mukkadas Kitap | Compact Small size

Product Features

  • Title: Uzbek New Testament / Mukkadas Kitap
  • Format: Compact Small Size
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Language: Uzbek
  • Publisher: Bible Society
  • ISBN-10: 5939431194
  • ISBN-13: 978-5939431194


The Uzbek New Testament, known as the "Mukkadas Kitap," is a compact and small-sized version, ideal for easy carrying and daily reading. This edition, published in 2008 by the Bible Society, is bound in a durable paperback format. Uzbek, or O'zbek tili, is a Turkic language and the official language of Uzbekistan. It is spoken by approximately 23.5 million native speakers, primarily in Uzbekistan and throughout Central Asia. The Uzbek language, part of the Qarluq branch of Turkic languages, shares a close connection with Uyghur, and has been influenced by Persian, Arabic, and Russian.

Interesting Facts

  • Linguistic Heritage: Uzbek is written in Latin script, Cyrillic script, and Arabic script. The New Testament in Uzbek helps preserve this linguistic heritage by providing religious texts in a language that resonates with the cultural and spiritual identity of Uzbek speakers.
  • Historical Influence: The development of the Uzbek language has been shaped by various historical influences, including Persian, Arabic, and Russian, making the translation of the New Testament a significant cultural artifact.
  • Cultural Significance: The term "Uzbek" is believed to mean "ruler of ownself" in Uyghur, highlighting the autonomous and rich cultural identity of the Uzbek people.
  • Missionary Efforts: This edition is a product of extensive missionary work aimed at making the scriptures accessible to the Uzbek-speaking community, supporting both religious education and personal devotion.


  • Bible Society: Renowned for their commitment to making the Bible accessible in various languages and formats, the Bible Society has played a crucial role in the translation and distribution of religious texts worldwide.


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Translation in Uzbek (O'zbek tili)

Mahsulot Xususiyatlari

  • Nom: O'zbek Yangi Ahd / Mukkadas Kitap
  • Format: Kichik O'lcham
  • Muqova: Qog'ozli
  • Nashr Sana: 2008
  • Til: O'zbek
  • Nashriyot: Muqaddas Kitob Jamiyati
  • ISBN-10: 5939431194
  • ISBN-13: 978-5939431194


O'zbek Yangi Ahdi, "Mukkadas Kitap," ixcham va kichik o'lchamdagi nashri, oson ko'tarib yurish va kundalik o'qish uchun mo'ljallangan. Ushbu nashr, 2008-yilda Muqaddas Kitob Jamiyati tomonidan chop etilgan, bardoshli qog'ozli muqovaga ega. O'zbek tili yoki O'zbekcha, turkiy tillar oilasiga mansub bo'lib, O'zbekistonning rasmiy tili hisoblanadi. Ushbu tilni asosan O'zbekiston va Markaziy Osiyoda yashovchi 23,5 millionga yaqin odam so'zlashadi. O'zbek tili, turkiy tillarning Qarluq shoxobchasiga mansub bo'lib, Uyghur tili bilan yaqin bog'liq va fors, arab va rus tillaridan ta'sirlangan.

Qiziqarli Faktlar

  • Lingvistik Meros: O'zbek tili lotin yozuvida, kirill yozuvida va arab yozuvida yoziladi. O'zbek tilidagi Yangi Ahd, o'zbek tilida diniy matnlarni taqdim etish orqali ushbu lingvistik merosni saqlashga yordam beradi.
  • Tarixiy Ta'sir: O'zbek tilining rivojlanishi turli tarixiy ta'sirlar, jumladan fors, arab va rus tillarining ta'sirida shakllangan bo'lib, Yangi Ahdning tarjimasi muhim madaniy artefakt hisoblanadi.
  • Madaniy Ahamiyat: "O'zbek" so'zi, Uyghur tilida "o'z-o'zini boshqaruvchi" degan ma'noni anglatadi va o'zbek xalqining mustaqil va boy madaniy kimligini aks ettiradi.
  • Missionerlik Harakatlari: Ushbu nashr, o'zbek tilida gaplashuvchi jamoaga muqaddas matnlarni yetkazish maqsadida keng ko'lamli missionerlik ishlarining mahsuli bo'lib, diniy ta'lim va shaxsiy ibodatni qo'llab-quvvatlaydi.


  • Muqaddas Kitob Jamiyati: Turli tillar va formatlarda Muqaddas Kitobni oson foydalanish uchun tayyorlashda o'z hissasini qo'shgan Muqaddas Kitob Jamiyati, butun dunyoda diniy matnlarni tarjima va tarqatishda muhim rol o'ynaydi.


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