The Mission of and Praying in the Holy Spirit by H. A. Ironside / The Holy Spirit's Mission to the World / Publisher: Loizeaux Brothers (January 1, 1970)
The Mission of and Praying in the Holy Spirit by H. A. Ironside / The Holy Spirit's Mission to the World / Publisher: Loizeaux Brothers (January 1, 1970)
The Mission of and Praying in the Holy Spirit by H. A. Ironside / The Holy Spirit's Mission to the World / Publisher: Loizeaux Brothers (January 1, 1970)
Printed in USA
60 pages
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The work of the Holy Spirit, then, is primarily to show men the enormity of their sin in rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ. A man may be guilty of breaking every commandment in the decalogue, but if he comes to God in repentance and puts his trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, he will find that all his sins have been covered by the atoning work of the Cross, and he may be saved for eternity by simple faith in the One who died for his offences and lives again for his justification. He thus becomes a new creature in Christ Jesus, because born of God, and created unto good works, as the natural result of the new life communicated to him. And so, my hearer, the great question that the Spirit of God would now bring home to you is this: What relationship do you bear to Him who died on the cross? We read in the Word, "If any man love not our Lord Jesus Christ let him be Anathema, Maranatha." These two untranslated words (one from the Hebrew and the other from the Syriac) are evidently put into the text by the Spirit of God to challenge attention and inquiry. The first means "devoted to judgment," and the other means, "The Lord cometh." If you persist in refusing to trust the Saviour, you must be devoted to judgment at the coming of the Lord.
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