
Go for it DVD 1983 Nyomás utána! ( Nati con la camicia) / Directed by Enzo Barboni / Starring: Bud Spencer, Terence Hill, Buffy Dee

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Product Overview

Go for it DVD 1983 Nyomás utána! ( Nati con la camicia) / Directed by Enzo Barboni / Starring: Bud Spencer, Terence Hill, Buffy Dee

UPC 5999544560109


AUDIO: Hungarian 2.0, English 2.0


Runtime: 105 minutes


English Summary:

Go for It (Italian: Nati con la camicia) is a 1983 Italian comedy film and spy movie parody starring Terence Hill and Bud Spencer. It was filmed in Miami, Florida.

The charming dodger Rosco Frazer and Doug O’Riordan, a convict recently released for sinking a yacht which had annoyed him, meet each other during a rough brawl in a roadhouse. They drive off in a truck, each one thinking of the other as the trucker. Not long afterwards a highway patrol stops them for speeding, and since they cannot produce proper papers, they are mistaken for truck-jackers the police has been looking for. Thanks to Rosco being a ventriloquist, however, they are able to get away.

Doug would rather run off alone but can't get rid of Rosco, who has taken a liking to him. Together they drive to the airport in order to go into hiding in some other state. Since the flight to Miami is already booked up, they pose as passengers Steinberg and Mason, who have failed to collect their tickets, not knowing these two are CIA top agents on a mission; as such, they are intercepted by an agent just before their flight takes off and given a suitcase containing one million dollars. After various mishaps and entanglements they are taken to the CIA headquarters to meet "Tiger", their new boss, and are asked on several occasions to omit various embarrassing incidents which would cast a bad light on the CIA staff involved from their final report.


Hungarian Summary:

Rosco, a jóképű, munkanélküli vagány nem riad vissza egy kis kalandtól. A bohém és szerencsés emberek könnyed életét éli, alkalomadtán hasbeszéléssel szórakoztatja önmagát és környezetét. Éppen stoppol az út mentén, amikor arra száguld egy kamion, és kis híján elgázolja. Hősünk azonnal elégtételt kíván venni. Sürgősen felkeresi a legközelebbi kocsmát, ahol vélhetőleg a pimasz kamionos megpihent. Itt iszogat éppen Doug, a megtermett kalandor, aki nem ijed meg sem a saját árnyékától, sem egy kis verekedéstől. Az pedig azonnal ki is tör, ahogy a felhevült Rosco beront a csapszékbe. Hamarosan csak ők ketten maradnak talpon a kocsma kissé összedúlt porondján. Ettől azonnal szimpatikusnak találják egymást, és úgy határoznak, együtt mennek tovább a parkolóban veszteglő kamionnal. Mindketten azt hiszik, hogy az óriás járgány a másiké, és ez kínos helyzetekhez vezet. Különösen, mikor a rendőrség állítja meg őket...


Italian Summary:

Nati con la camicia è un film del 1983 diretto da E.B. Clucher (Enzo Barboni) ed è il tredicesimo dei 16 film interpretati dalla coppia Bud Spencer e Terence Hill.

Rosco Fraker (Terence Hill), vagabondando sui pattini a rotelle, incontra Doug O'Riordan (Bud Spencer), un ex-detenuto appena scarcerato. I due si conoscono in un bar durante una rissa scoppiata perché un camionista all'interno del locale aveva offeso Doug. In realtà ad offendere Doug è stato Rosco, usando le sue abilità da ventriloquo, per vendicarsi di un camionista che gli aveva negato un passaggio quasi investendolo. Fraintendendosi i due rubano un camion e vengono bloccati da due poliziotti, riuscendo a raggirarli grazie all'abilità di ventriloquo. Dopo aver rinchiuso i due poliziotti nel camion, Dough e Rosco rubano l'auto della polizia e si dirigono verso lo stato della Florida.


Cast / Szereplők / Interpreti e personaggi


Directed by Enzo Barboni
Produced by Josi W. Konski
Written by Marco Barboni
Starring Terence Hill
Bud Spencer
Buffy Dee
Music by Franco Micalizzi
Cinematography Ben McDermot
Edited by Eugene Ballaby
Release date
  • 1983
Running time
105 minutes
Country Italy
United States
Language English






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