
Az otthon is szeretett vezető by PULAY GYULA / How can a boss position, for the husband or wife, at the workplace, become a tying force in marriage?

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Az otthon is szeretett vezető by PULAY GYULA / How can a boss position, for the husband or wife, at the workplace, become a tying force in marriage?



ISBN: 9789639564701 / 978-9639564701

ISBN-10: 9639564702




About the Author:

Gyula Pulay (Budapest, March 16, 1956 -) economist, former secretary of state.
In 1982 he graduated from Marx Charles University of Economics. He received his PhD at the University of Budapest and in 2007 he obtained a PhD from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Between 1979 and 1982 he worked for the Light Industry Organization, and in 1982-1990 he was head of department, head of department and department head at the State Wage and Labor Office. Between 1990 and 2006, a government change from 1990 to 1993, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Welfare, between 1993-1998, State Secretary of the Ministry of Labor, Administrative Secretary of the Ministry of Social and Family Affairs in 1998-2000; State Secretary of the Ministry of Employment and Labor, 2002-2003, State Secretary of the Government of the Prime Minister's Office 2003-2006. You must give the state at the Court of Auditors you may have different assignments. In 1994 he was awarded the Medal of Merit of the Republic of Hungary.


Hungarian Summary:

Miként válhat egy házasság összekovácsoló erejévé, ha a férj vagy a feleség a munkahelyén főnöki kinevezést kap? Gyakorlati tanácsadó könyv sok személyes példával és történettel, továbbá rajzos illusztrációkkal. A szerző nagycsaládos édesapa, három kormányzati cikluson keresztül dolgozott közigazgatási államtitkárként. Korábban megjelent könyvének címe A szeretett vezető, amely új borítóval került kiadásra.

A Keresztény Vezetők és Üzletemberek Társaságával (KEVE társaság) közös kiadás.


English Summary:

How can a boss position, for the husband or wife, at the workplace, become a tying force in marriage? Practical guide book with many personal examples and stories, as well as drawing illustrations. The author was a large-family father, working as administrative secretary for three government cycles. Previously published book title The beloved leader, released with a new cover.




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