
1500 bölcs gondolat: a széles és a keskeny úton járóknak by C.H. Spurgeon - Hungarian translation of 1500 wise thoughts for those walking on the wide and those on the narrow path

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Product Overview

 1500 bölcs gondolat: a széles és a keskeny úton járóknak by C.H. Spurgeon - Hungarian translation of 1500 wise thoughts for those walking on the wide and those on the narrow path



ISBN: 9789636961848,978-9636961848 




About the Author:

Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-92) was England's best-known preacher for most of the second half of the nineteenth century. In 1854, just four years after his conversion, Spurgeon, then only 20, became pastor of London's famed New Park Street Church (formerly pastored by the famous Baptist theologian John Gill). The congregation quickly outgrew their building, moved to Exeter Hall, then to Surrey Music Hall. In these venues Spurgeon frequently preached to audiences numbering more than 10,000—all in the days before electronic amplification. In 1861 the congregation moved permanently to the newly constructed Metropolitan Tabernacle.


Hungarian Summary:

C.H. Spurgeon minden, a kötetünkbe felvett gondolata mélyen a Szentírásban gyökerező és így szinte reflektorfénybe állítja a szellemi-lelki - sokszor rejtett - isteni igazságokat. A szerzőre jellemző az Istentől kapott, finom, tiszteletteljes humor, amely még érthetőbbé teszi a gondolatait. "Jobb a szívben tartani a Bibliát, mint a könyvespolcon.", "Ha Isten akarata a mi akaratunk, Isten meghagyja akaratunkat." 


English Summary:

Charles Spurgeon was one of, if not the greatest preacher of the past 200 years. To say that he was prolific is a staggering understatement. He preached approximately 3600 sermons, wrote dozens of books, oversaw ministries to the poor and orphans, raised up new pastors, and countless other endeavors.

In light of this, Spurgeon said some of the most profound, glorious things about God, the gospel, prayer, and numerous other subjects. He’s one of my favorite writers/preachers because of the poetic, picturesque, to-the-point way he speaks about so many subjects.




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