Zongoraiskola 2 - Beginner's Piano Book 2
Horváth Barnabás – Monszport Kriszta: Piano tutor 2
not only for beginners
sheet music
ISBN-13: 9790801670953 / 979-0801670953
Printed in Hungary
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Product Features:
- Authors: Horváth Barnabás, Monszport Kriszta
- Title: Zongoraiskola 2
- Level: Beginner
- Illustrated by: Kállai Nagy Krisztina
- Publisher: Romidasuli Könyvkiadó
- Language: Hungarian
- Pages: 72
- Published: 2019
- Cover: Softcover
- ISBN: 9790801670953
Discover "Zongoraiskola 2," a beginner's piano schoolbook authored by Horváth Barnabás and Monszport Kriszta. This book is designed to introduce fundamental piano techniques and skills to beginners, complemented by illustrations from Kállai Nagy Krisztina.
Interesting Facts:
- Ideal for beginners starting their journey in piano playing.
- Features a progressive learning approach suitable for young learners.
- Includes illustrations to aid understanding of musical concepts.
Key Credits:
- Authors: Horváth Barnabás, Monszport Kriszta
- Illustrator: Kállai Nagy Krisztina
- Publisher: Romidasuli Könyvkiadó