The Closing Types Of Leviticus: Exposition Of Leviticus 24-27 by William Kelly / A delightfully unique, deep study on book of Leviticus 24-27 / Excellent for mature Bible students / BIBLE TRUTH PUBLISHERS
- Cover: Kivar Paperback
- Pages: 104 pages
- Language: English
It is important for us to feel the part which God devolves on His children and expects from them, unless He be indifferent to His honour or their blessing. So it is here with His people. What a privilege and responsibility for the sons of Israel! They could not enter the holy place: the covering or curtain forbade it save for the priests. But on all the children of Israel lay the charge of providing pure olive oil beaten for the light of the sanctuary outside the veil of the testimony to cause the lamps to burn continually.
Through laws and ordinances Jehovah taught His earthly people to be obedient and to hate self-will. How much more is this incumbent on us whom the Spirit sanctified unto Christ's obedience and the sprinkling of His blood, the Christian's place as distinct from Israel's! Practical righteousness is looked for in all; but righteousness is consistency with relationship, and Israel are an earthly people, the Church a heavenly one.