
Pál levele a rómaiakhoz by JOHN STOTT - HUNGARIAN TRANSLATION OF The Message of Romans: God's Good News for the World (Bible Speaks Today) / commentary spanning the two worlds of Romans--Paul's and ours.

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Product Overview

Pál levele a rómaiakhoz by JOHN STOTT - HUNGARIAN TRANSLATION OF The Message of Romans: God's Good News for the World (Bible Speaks Today) / commentary spanning the two worlds of Romans--Paul's and ours.



ISBN: 9789639564671 / 978-9639564671

ISBN-10: 9639564672




About the Author:

John Robert Walmsley Stott CBE (27 April 1921 – 27 July 2011) was an English Anglican priest who was noted as a leader of the worldwide evangelical movement. He was one of the principal authors of the Lausanne Covenant in 1974. In 2005, Time magazine ranked Stott among the 100 most influential people in the world.


Hungarian Summary:

A Római levél az egész Újszövetségben a legteljesebb és legátfogóbb képet adja az evangélium lényegéről. Átfogja az emberiség múltját, jelenét és jövőjét, valamint részletesen kitér a megigazulás, a megszentelődés és a megdicsőülés nagy témáira.

John Stott vallomása szerint a Római levél egész keresztény életútját végigkísérte, így szövegmagyarázatai között ez a legszemélyesebb hangvételű írás. Scott Pál levelének hitvallásjellegét hangsúlyozza, mely a Jézus Krisztusban nyert szabadság jó hírét közvetíti. Ez az a szabadság Isten és az emberek szeretetére és szolgálatára szabadít fel, és képes győzni az etnikai konfliktusok, a bűn sötétsége és az emberek közötti elidegenedés felett.


English Summary:

When Paul first penned his letter to the house churches of Rome, his purpose was to gain prayerful support for his coming mission to the western reaches of the Mediterranean world. Little did he know that for two millennia this tautly tuned exposition of the gospel would echo through church and academy, market and home. Or that it would leap great oceans to reverberate through lands and hearts beyond the farthest edges of his world. John Stott, in this new paperback edition previously released with the title Romans, joins a chorus of distinguished voices of the church who have pondered and lived the great themes of Romans, and who have tuned our ears to hear its rich harmonies and meditate on its broad vision. In the classic tradition of great Christian leaders who have commented on Romans, Stott expounds Paul's words, themes and arguments. The power of the gospel, the righteousness of God revealed from heaven, is clearly addressed to today's men and women who have answered its summons. Not only is Stott deeply acquainted with the text and context of Romans, he is also conversant with the most recent Pauline scholarship. Even more important, he views Romans from his own pastoral and missionary perspective, an outloook shaped in turn by the great vision of the apostle. Here is a commentary for those who live on the edge of the third millennium, a commentary spanning the two worlds of Romans--Paul's and ours.



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