Not by bread alone - An outlined guide to Bible Doctrine by Dr. Steven W. Waterhouse, Th. M. D Min / Westcliff Press 2000 / Hardcover
Hardcover 2000
ISBN: 9780970241825 / 978-0970241825
ISBN-10: 0970241828
PAGES: 573
PUBLISHER: Westcliff Press
"A complete outlined guide to all the doctrines of the Bible in a systematic and exhaustive format that gives special attention to complex and controversial doctrinal issues ... all supported with immediate [an estimated 10,000+] Scriptural references within the text.
Not By Bread Alone provides research on all the doctrines of the Bible explaining complex and controversial issues with clear and original logic. It contains more than 8,000 Bible references and has Hebrew/Greek word studies of key theological terms. Not By Bread Alone addresses the precise doctrinal issues confronting churches and conserves study time for busy Christian workers and students.