
Liebe & Respekt by Emerson Eggerichs / German Translation of Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerich / Die Nähe, nach der sie sich sehnt - Die Anerkennung, die er sich wünscht / Hardcover / GerthMedien / 9th edition - 2017

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Product Overview

Liebe & Respekt by Emerson Eggerichs / German Translation of Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerich / She longs for love - He needs respect / Die Nähe, nach der sie sich sehnt - Die Anerkennung, die er sich wünscht / Hardcover / GerthMedien / 9th edition - 2017


Hardcover 2017 - 9th edition

ISBN: 9783865914927 / 978-3865914927

ISBN-10: 3865914926

PAGES: 335

PUBLISHER: GerthMedien

LANGUAGE: German - Deutsch


About the Author:

Emerson Eggerichs, PhD, is an internationally known communication expert and author of the New York Times bestseller Love & Respect. Just as Dr. Eggerichs transformed millions of marital relationships with a biblical understanding of love and respect, he also turned these principles to one of the most important relationships of all in Mother & Son: The Respect Effect. As a communication expert, Emerson has also spoken to groups such as the NFL, NBA, PGA, US Navy SEALs and members of Congress. He was the senior pastor of Trinity Church in East Lansing, Michigan for almost twenty years. Emerson holds a PhD in child and family ecology from Michigan State University, a BA in Biblical Studies from Wheaton College, an MA in communications from Wheaton College Graduate School, and an MDiv from the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary. He and his wife Sarah have been married since 1973 and have three adult children.


German Summary:

Eine Frau möchte von ihrem Mann bedingungslos geliebt werden. Ein Mann möchte von seiner Frau bedingungslos respektiert werden. Dies ist das größte Geheimnis einer gelingenden Ehe. Die biblisch fundierten Prinzipien dieses Buches werden Ihnen helfen, Ihren Partner besser zu verstehen und die verborgenen Bedürfnisse des anderen wahrzunehmen. Zeigen Sie Ihrer Frau die Liebe im Alltag, nach der sie sich sehnt. Und lernen Sie, wie Sie Ihrem Mann Tag für Tag die Anerkennung und den Respekt entgegenbringen, die für ihn lebensnotwendig sind. Sie werden Ihren Partner mit völlig anderen Augen sehen – und Ihre Partnerschaft wird ungeahnte Tiefe und Vertrautheit bekommen.


English Summary:

The Best Selling book about building YOUR marriage the way God intended it to be!

Psychological studies affirm it, and the Bible has been saying it for ages. Cracking the communication code between husband and wife involves understanding one thing: that unconditional respect is as powerful for him as unconditional love is for her. It's the secret to marriage that every couple seeks, and yet few couples ever find.

Today, you and your mate can start fresh with the ground-breaking guidance that Dr. Emerson Eggerichs provides in this book. His revolutionary message, featured on Focus on the Family, is for anyone: in marital crisis...wanting to stay happily married...who's feeling lonely. It's for engaged couples...victims of affairs...pastors and counselors seeking material that can save a marriage.









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