
K-19: The Widowmaker DVD 2002 Atomcsapda K-19 / Directed by Kathryn Bigelow / Starring: Harrison Ford, Liam Neeson

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K-19: The Widowmaker DVD 2002 Atomcsapda K-19 / Directed by Kathryn Bigelow / Starring: Harrison Ford, Liam Neeson

UPC 5999075601586



AUDIO: English 5.1, Hungarian 5.1, Czech 2.0

SUBTITLES: Hungarian, English, Czech, Slovakian

Total Runtime: 133 minutes


English Summary:

K-19: The Widowmaker is a 2002 historical submarine film directed and produced by Kathryn Bigelow, and produced by Edward S. Feldman, Sigurjon Sighvatsson, Christine Whitaker and Matthias Deyle with screenplay by Christopher Kyle. An international production of the US, UK, Germany and Canada, the film takes place in 1961 and focuses its story on the Soviet K-19 submarine.

In 1961, the Soviet Union launches its first ballistic missile nuclear submarine, the K-19, commanded by Captain Alexei Vostrikov (Harrison Ford), with executive officer Mikhail Polenin (Liam Neeson), the crew's original captain. Vostrikov is alleged to have been appointed through his wife's political connections, as well as Polenin's tendency to put crew morale and safety before Soviet pride. Discovering the reactor officer drunk and asleep on duty, Vostrikov fires him, receiving a replacement, Vadim Radtchenko (Peter Sarsgaard), fresh from the academy. Bad luck surrounds the launch; the medical officer is killed by a truck and replaced by command's foremost medical officer, who has never been out to sea, and the inaugural bottle of champagne fails to break on the bow.

The K-19's first mission is to surface in the Arctic, test-fire an unarmed intercontinental ballistic missile, and patrol the Atlantic within striking range of New York City and Washington, D.C.. Vostrikov orders K-19 to submerge past its maximum operational depth, then surface at full-speed to break through the Arctic pack-ice. Protesting the dangerous maneuver, Polenin storms off the bridge. The test missile launches successfully.

En route to the patrol zone, a reactor coolant pipe bursts. Control rods are inserted to stop the reactor, but reactor temperature rises and the crew learns back-up coolant systems were not installed. K-19 surfaces to contact fleet command but the long-range transmitter antenna cable is damaged, possibly by the Arctic maneuver. Engineers rig a makeshift coolant system, working in shifts to limit radiation exposure. The first team emerges vomiting and blistered; the second and third teams cool the reactor, but all suffer radiation poisoning. With radiation levels rising, the submarine surfaces and most of the crew are ordered topside. Radtchenko balks after seeing the first team's injuries, and the crew chief takes his place on the third team.


Hungarian Summary:

1961-et írunk. A hidegháború legsötétebb időszaka ez, mikor két atomhatalom feszül egymásnak: a Szovjetuniónak elegendő nukleáris fegyverzete van ahhoz, hogy akár kétszer is elpusztítsa a világot, míg az Egyesült Államok a világ elpusztításához szükséges potenciál tízszeresével rendelkezik. A megtörtént eset ihlette film Alekszej Vosztrikov kapitány hősiességét követi nyomon, akit a hidegháború csúcsán a nukleáris rakétát hordozó tengeralattjáró, a 4000 tonnás, csaknem 120 méter hosszú K-19 parancsnokává neveznek ki, az eredeti parancsnok Mihail Polenyin kapitány helyére. Vosztrikov azt a feladatot kapja, hogy villámgyorsan indítsa el első útjára a rosszul előkészített, nem megfelelően felszerelt tengeralattjárót. Mihelyt úton vannak, Vosztrikov - teljesítő- és tűrőképességük legeslegvégső határáig feszítve a húrt - vizsgáztatja mind magát a K-19-et, mind a legénységet. Végül a szellemi, érzelmi és fizikai erőpróba egy kísérleti rakéta sikeres kilövésével ér véget. Ekkor vészterhes parancs érkezik Moszkvából: a K-19-nek Nyugat felé kell indulnia, hogy a NATO-támaszpontok mellett elsurranva, járőrként elfoglalja megfigyelő pozícióját az USA partjaitól mindössze 400 km-re, Washington D.C. és New York között. Vosztrikov kapitány engedelmeskedik a Haza parancsának, és a K-19 elindul... Ám alighogy a járőr-szolgálat kezdetét veszi, globális nagyságrendű tragédiával fenyegető veszélye lép fel: az atom-tengeralattjáró reaktorának hűtőrendszere szivárog és a reaktor magja lassan, de kérlelhetetlenül melegszik. Ha a hőmérséklete eléri az 1000 fokot, a reaktor megolvadhat... A hermetikusan zárt, radioaktív reaktorház megnyitása azt jelentené, hogy az egész hajót nagy mértékű sugárzásnak teszik ki. Mégis meg kell tenni, mert a reaktor belső robbanása esetén elszabadulnak a robbanófejek és egy NATO-támaszponthoz ennyire közeli nukleáris robbanás akár a III. világháború kitörését okozhatná.


Cast / Szereplők:

  • Harrison Ford as Captain 2nd Rank Alexei Vostrikov, Commanding Officer
  • Liam Neeson as Captain 3rd Rank Mikhail "Misha" Polenin, Executive Officer
  • Peter Sarsgaard as Lieutenant Vadim Radtchenko, Reactor Officer
  • Joss Ackland as Marshal Zolentsov, Defense Minister
  • John Shrapnel as Admiral Bratyeev
  • Donald Sumpter as Captain 3rd Rank Gennadi Savran, Medical Officer
  • Tim Woodward as Vice-Admiral Konstantin Partonov
  • Steve Nicolson as Captain 3rd Rank Yuri Demichev, Torpedo Officer
  • Ravil Isyanov as Captain 3rd Rank Igor Suslov, Political Officer
  • Christian Camargo as Petty Officer Pavel Loktev, Senior Reactor Technician
  • George Anton as Captain-Lieutenant Konstantin Poliansky, Missile Officer
  • James Francis Ginty as Seaman Anatoly Subachev, Reactor Technician
  • Lex Shrapnel as Captain-Lieutenant Mikhail Kornilov, Communications Officer
  • Ingvar Eggert Sigurðsson as Captain 3rd Rank Viktor Gorelov, Chief Engineer
  • Sam Spruell as Senior Seaman Dmitri Nevsky
  • Sam Redford as Petty Officer 2nd Class Vasily Mishin
  • Peter Stebbings as Kuryshev
  • Shaun Benson as Chief Petty Officer Leonid Pashinski
  • Kristen Holden-Ried as Captain-Lieutenant Anton Malahov
  • Dmitry Chepovetsky as Sergei Maximov
  • Tygh Runyan as Petty Officer 1st Class Maxim Portenko, Sonar Operator
  • Jacob Pitts as Grigori
  • Michael Gladis as Senior Seaman Yevgeny Borzenkov
  • JJ Feild as Andrei Pritoola
  • Peter Oldring as Vanya Belov
  • Joshua Close as Viktor
  • Jeremy Akerman as Fyodor Tsetkov, Captain of the S-270


Directed by Kathryn Bigelow
Produced by
  • Kathryn Bigelow
  • Edward S. Feldman
  • Sigurjón Sighvatsson
  • Christine Whitaker
  • Matthias Deyle
Screenplay by Christopher Kyle
Story by Louis Nowra
  • Harrison Ford
  • Liam Neeson
  • Peter Sarsgaard
Music by Klaus Badelt
Cinematography Jeff Cronenweth
Edited by Walter Murch
  • Intermedia Films
  • National Geographic Society
  • New Regency Pictures
Distributed by
  • Paramount Pictures
Release date
  • July 19, 2002 (United States)
  • September 5, 2002 (Germany)
  • October 25, 2002 (United Kingdom)
Running time
133 minutes
  • United States
  • United Kingdom
  • Germany
  • Canada
Language English






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