
Hercules DVD 2005 / Directed by Roger Young / Starring: Paul Telfer, Elizabeth Perkins, Sean Astin, Tyler Mane, Timothy Dalton

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Product Overview

Hercules DVD 2005 / Directed by Roger Young / Starring: Paul Telfer, Elizabeth Perkins, Sean Astin, Tyler Mane, Timothy Dalton

UPC 5999548220573



Audio: English 5.1, Hungarian 5.1

Subtitles: Hungarian

Total runtime: 120 minutes


English Summary:

A chronicle of the life of the Greek hero who, after killing his three sons must perform six labors to repent.

Hercules is a 2005 RHI Entertainment television miniseries, chronicling the life of the legendary Greek hero, Heracles, called Hercules in this series. It is most often aired on television as a two-part miniseries: the first part documents his early life in Tiryns and his desire and marriage to the lady Megara; the second part follows the more widely-recognised part of his life, in seeking redemption for the madness-induced murder of his family.

The series incorporates Hercules’s murder of his family—usually not included in modern interpretations of the character—and includes five of his twelve labors from Greek mythology. The series alters some of the elements of the myths including placing the giant Antaeus as his father while in Greek myths his father was the king of the gods, Zeus.


Hungarian Summary:

Az áldott gyermek, aki túlszárnyalja a halandókat, minden istenek legyőzője, végül dicsőségben, hatalomban és viharos kalandokban diadalmaskodik. Miután Héra őrületet küld Herkulesre, a hős áldozati állatoknak nézi saját gyermekeit, és a tűzbe veti őket, s velük együtt Iphicles gyermekei közül is kettőt. Mikor magához tér és szörnyű tette tudatára ébred, számkivetésbe vonul, hogy jóvátegye a bűnét. Herkulest száműzik tettéért, és arra kötelezik, hogy menjen el Delphi jósdába, ahol megtudhatja, miként teheti jóvá borzalmas bűnét. Elválasztják feleségétől, Megarától, aki hamarosan férjhez megy. Herkules a jóstól hamarosan megtudja, hogy hat szolgálatot kell tennie egykori feleségének és új férjének: hármat a megölt gyermekekért, és hármat azért a Herkulesért, aki Héroszként meghalt, és embeként született újjá.


Cast / Szereplők:

  • Paul Telfer as Hercules
  • Leelee Sobieski as Deianeira
  • Sean Astin as Linus
  • Timothy Dalton as Amphitryon
  • Elizabeth Perkins as Alcmene
  • Leeanna Walsman as Megara
  • Kristian Schmid as King Eurystheus
  • John Bach as King Creon, father of Megara
  • Luke Ford as Iphicles
  • Jamie Croft as Young Hercules
  • André de Vanny as Young Iphicles
  • Trent Sullivan as Hyllus, son of Hercules and Deianeira
  • Robert Taylor as Chiron
  • Tyler Mane as Antaeus
  • Kim Coates as Tiresias
  • Rachael Taylor as Nemean Lion / Sphinx


Written by Charles Edward Pogue
Directed by Roger Young
Starring Paul Telfer
Elizabeth Perkins
Sean Astin
Tyler Mane
Timothy Dalton
Leelee Sobieski
Narrated by Robert Clotworthy
Country of origin United States
No. of episodes 2
Running time 120 minutes
Production company(s) Hallmark Entertainment
Original network NBC
Original release May 16, 2005








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