
Hát ezzel mi lesz? by Watchman Nee / Hungarian Translation of What Shall This Man do? / Paperback / Published by Ungár Aladár - Tuttlingen, Germany

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Product Overview

Hát ezzel mi lesz? by Watchman Nee / Hungarian Translation of What Shall This Man do? / Paperback / Published by Ungár Aladár - Tuttlingen, Germany



PAGES: 184

PUBLISHER : Ungár Aladár - Tuttlingen - Evangéliumi Iratmisszió




18 cm x 11 cm

7 x 4.3 inches


About the Author:

Watchman Nee, Ni Tuosheng, or Nee T'o-sheng (Chinese: 倪柝聲; pinyin: Ní Tuòshēng; November 4, 1903 – May 30, 1972), was a Chinese church leader and Christian teacher who worked in China during the 20th century. In 1922, he initiated church meetings in Fuzhou that may be considered the beginning of the local churches. During his thirty years of ministry, Nee published many books expounding the Bible. He established churches throughout China and held many conferences to train Bible students and church workers. Following the Communist Revolution, Nee was persecuted and imprisoned for his faith and spent the last twenty years of his life in prison. He was honored by Christopher H. Smith (RNJ) in the US Congress on July 30, 2009.

Hungarian Summary:

Isten szolgálata sokoldalú. Ehhez különféle háttérrel rendelkező embereket hív, és teljesítéséig széles körben különböző eszközökkel látja el őket. Ezekben a tanulmányokban, amelyeket a szerző angol és kínai nyelvű beszámolójáról gyűjtöttek, a nagy újszövetségi apostolok, Péter, Pál és János bemutatják, hogy a keresztény szolgálat három alapvető funkcióját illusztrálják. Watchman Nee az evangélium kiemelkedő tanúja és minisztere, akit sok másokkal közösen, az elmúlt években arra hívtak el, hogy hite miatt szenvedjen.

English Summary:

A gracious and enlightening study of Peter and the Way, Paul and the Truth, and John and the Life, showing how Christ has established for us the basic principles of Christian service.

The service of God is many-sided. To it He calls men of diverse backgrounds, and for its fulfillment He equips them in widely different ways. In these studies, compiled from records of the author's spoken ministry in English and Chinese, the great New Testament apostles, Peter, Paul and John, are shown to illustrate three essential functions of Christian service. Watchman Nee of Foochow is an outstanding witness and minister of the Gospel, who, in common with many others, has been called upon recent years to suffer adversity for the sake of his faith.









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