
Biblia cu Ilustratii / Romanian Language Illustrated Bible Volume 1 - The Pentateuch - The Books of Moses

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Product Overview

Biblia cu Ilustratii / Romanian Language Illustrated Bible Volume 1 - The Pentateuch

Volumul 1 - Pentateuhul / Text by Bartolomeu Valeria Anania / Editura Litera 2011

  • Hardcover 2011
  • ISBN-10: 6066001787
  • ISBN: 9786066001786 / 978-6066001786
  • PAGES: 361
  • PUBLISHER: Editura Litera
  • LANGUAGE: Romanian / Romana


English Description:

  • Romanian language Illustrated Bible Volume 1. The Pentateuch
  • Volume 1 of 8
  • Illustrations by George Crasnean

The Bible with illustrations represents, unmodified, the text of the "jubilee edition" of the Holy Scriptures, as it has been printed several times, including in the Cluj edition of 2009, at Renasterea Publishing House. The illustrated edition does not replace the current edition of the Holy Synod as a reference text. The novelty of this edition resides in at least three aspects: the format (much easier to handle), the illustrations and maps next to the chapters they refer to, and not at the end of the text, as was used until now. The format of the seven volumes allows easier access to the biblical text, this edition can also be used as didactic material in religion classes. The illustrations are a unique visual combination between photos from the Holy Land, maps and frescoes from monasteries and churches in Romania and the Balkans. In this way, a permanent dialogue between historical and spiritual memory, between geographical and spiritual space is realized. The maps are also placed out of the desire to concretely illustrate the places of Revelation, the path traveled by humanity towards the Word of God. 

Romanian Description:

Biblia cu ilustratii. Vol. 1 - Bartolomeu Valeriu Anania

  • Traducere integrala, cu note si comentarii, de mitropolitul Bartolomeu Valeriu Anania.
  • Versiune aprobata de Sfantul Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Romane.
  • Text insotit de numeroase imagini si de harti ale Locurilor Sfinte. 

Biblia cu ilustratii reprezinta, nemodificat, textul „editiei jubiliare” a Sfintei Scripturi, asa cum acesta a fost tiparit de mai multe ori, inclusiv in editia de la Cluj din 2009, la Editura Renasterea. Editia ilustrata nu inlocuieste ca text de referinta actuala editie a Sfantului Sinod. Noutatea acestei editii rezida in cel putin trei aspecte: formatul (mult mai usor manevrabil), ilustratiile si hartile in dreptul capitolelor la care fac referinta, iar nu la finalul textului, asa cum era pana acum uzanta. Formatul celor sapte volume permite un acces mai usor la textul biblic, aceasta editie putand fi folosita inclusiv ca material didactic la orele de religie. Ilustratiile sunt o combinatie vizuala inedita intre fotografii din Tara Sfanta, harti si fresce de la manastiri si biserici din Romania si Balcani. Se realizeaza astfel un dialog permanent intre memoria istorica si cea spirituala, intre spatiul geografic si cel duhovnicesc. Hartile sunt plasate tot din dorinta de a ilustra concret locurile Revelatiei, drumul parcurs de umanitate spre Cuvantul lui Dumnezeu.



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