
A szeretet választható - GYÓGYULÁS AZ EGÉSZSÉGTELEN KAPCSOLATOKBÓL by ROBERT HEMFELT, FRANK MINIRTH, PAUL MEIER HUNGARIAN TRANSLATION OF Love Is a Choice: The Definitive Book on Letting Go of Unhealthy Relationships

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A szeretet választható - GYÓGYULÁS AZ EGÉSZSÉGTELEN KAPCSOLATOKBÓL by ROBERT HEMFELT, FRANK MINIRTH, PAUL MEIER HUNGARIAN TRANSLATION OF Love Is a Choice: The Definitive Book on Letting Go of Unhealthy Relationships



ISBN: 9789632884110 / 978-9632884110

ISBN-10: 9632884116




About the Author:

Paul Meier, M.D., is a nationally recognized psychiatrist and founder of the Meier Clinics. He is also the best-selling author or coauthor of more than 70 books, including "Love Is a Choice," "Happiness Is a Choice," "Mood Swings," and "Love Hunger." He holds an M.D. degree from the University of Arkansas College of Medicine and completed his psychiatric residency at Duke University. He also holds advanced degrees in human physiology and biblical studies. Dr. Meier was one of the original founding members of the Focus on the Family Physicians.


Dr. Robert Hemfelt is a Licensed Psychologist and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who works with adults and adolescents on marriage, dating, family and other relationship issues. Dr. Hemfelt earned Master’s and Doctorate degrees in counseling and psychology from the University of Houston. He has served as supervisor of therapeutic services for the Substance Abuse Study Clinic of the Texas Research Institute of Mental Sciences and as alcoholism intervention specialist for a Fortune 500 corporation.

Dr. Hemfelt is a Professor of Psychology for the University of Phoenix, Dallas Main Campus, and a member of the adjunct faculty of the Art Institute of Dallas. He is a recipient of the Gold Medallion Publishers Award and coauthor of multiple best-selling books (many translated into numerous foreign languages), including: Love is a Choice, Love Hunger, Passage of Marriage and the Serenity New Testament and Psalms.

Dr. Hemfelt has presented seminars and workshops at major churches throughout the nation and has appeared on national radio and television programs including CNN, TBS, CBN, the 700 Club and the Phil Donahue Show.

In addition to addressing relationship issues, Dr. Hemfelt has expertise in the treatment of addictions and compulsivity disorders ranging from eating disorders to alcoholism and substance abuse.


Frank Minirth, MD (1946-2015) was president of the Minirth Clinic in Richardson, Texas, and an adjunct professor at Dallas Theological Seminary. He was the author or coauthor of several books, including the bestselling Happiness Is a Choice and Strong Memory, Sharp Mind.


Hungarian Summary:

Az amerikai pszichológus illetve pszichiáter szerzők a saját klinikájukon megfordult több ezer pácienssel folytatott terápiás tapasztalataik felhasználásával mutatják be azokat a kóros kapcsolati mintákat, melyeket összefoglalóan kodependenciának neveznek. A társfüggőség okai között említik és elemzik a kielégítetlen érzelmi szükségleteket, az elveszett gyermekkor jelenségét és a diszfunkcionális családok helyrehozására irányuló belső kényszert. Számba veszik azokat a tényezőket, melyek a társfüggő párokat nem engedik kiszakadni a szenvedés körforgásából: a függés hólabda-hatását, a tagadást és a dühöt. S az olvasó ahhoz is segítséget kap, hogy saját kapcsolataira rátekintve átgondolja a rosszul működő minták hatásait, s a problémákat fenntartó tényezőket megfékezhesse.


English Summary:

Best-selling doctors, Hemfelt, Minirth, and Meier, walk you through their ten proven stages to recovery from codependency that results from external circumstances. Humans are susceptible to codependency because of our sinful tendency to use defense mechanisms to fool ourselves. In codependent relationships, deceitful games are played, and important Christian principles are often taken out of context and abused. God wants us to have healthy relationships with a balance between being dependent and independent. The doctors describe how the most effective means of overcoming codependent relationships is to establish or deepen a relationship with Christ Himself. They describe the causes of codependency, pointing out the factors that perpetuate it, and lead readers through their ten stages of recovery.

Continue a deeper study with the Love Is a Choice workbook, available separately.




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